Will we ever get our forum links back?

To whom it may concern
I sure wish you would get the hyper links in the forums working again. It was a key to finding much need information. Have someone write you a Perl script to go in and change these links so they work again. It is probably a one hour job for a good perl programmer and it would save a lot of user frustration and wasted time on the users end.
I sure wish you would get the hyper links in the forums working again. It was a key to finding much need information. Have someone write you a Perl script to go in and change these links so they work again. It is probably a one hour job for a good perl programmer and it would save a lot of user frustration and wasted time on the users end.
All the links were repaired about a month ago (using a Perl script, BTW). However, URLs which just existed as text in the old forum, rather than links, were not converted. See here for more info:
Also, see this thread for info about how to convert an old URL to a new one:
Do you have an example of an actual link which has not been correctly modified? If so, it can probably still be fixed.
Sorry I did not copy the urls of inactive links
I will save broken links from here on in to help you resolve these problems. I realize you can't fix something if you don't know where it is.
Several years ago I created and maintained a fairly good size website. During this time I became a big fan of Perl scripts and I actually got quite good at it. One of my favorites was to parse every file on the site and make simple changes to layout, links, images, etc... I don't know if you wrote mentioned Perl script or how proficient you may be in writing scripts, so please don't take this as an insult. If you ever need any help, please don't hesitate to ask, I just may have a solution for you. Furthermore, I am certain that I have several scripts laying around that may help you in making system wide chages. They can be used as templates, but they may need a little tweeking to update them.
I will dig them up just in case you want them.
But to be perfectly honest, there should be no reason that a user should have to convert a url. As long as all files are on the same domain, system wide changes are a piece of cake, and one script should convert any url.
If you ever want to chat about this, drop me a line and I will send you my phone #.
There was some discussion about creating a 404 page that redirects to a script that would convert an old forum address to a new one, then re-redirect to it. I wrote a test redirect page and the necessary script, and we tried it. For reasons that are still unclear, it worked with some browsers but not with others. So the project got put on hold for awhile.
With the OP's permission, I'll try sicking my cat (Browser, who has moderator privileges) on it.
Thanks Browser!
Now Back to your Priority Box perch on the top shelf so you can watch Phil work.
Darn! Wish I could find the picture of Browser in the Priority Box!