Some Forums Swapped
Hello all,
Don't be alarmed. I repositioned some of the forums into an order that I think better fits the flow of the forums.
Nothing lost, but I moved a few of the more specific and less active forums down while moving some specific yet active forums up!
No announcement needed, well not an official one; this should suffice.
I'll have something really cool to announce in a little bit, but if you look around at the home page (or down the forum's listing) you'll notice the change.
Don't be alarmed. I repositioned some of the forums into an order that I think better fits the flow of the forums.
Nothing lost, but I moved a few of the more specific and less active forums down while moving some specific yet active forums up!
No announcement needed, well not an official one; this should suffice.
I'll have something really cool to announce in a little bit, but if you look around at the home page (or down the forum's listing) you'll notice the change.
I like it! The new order of the forums seems to make more sense to me.
We are being "Bumped Around" by Bump. (by golly).