After a bit, the screen gets filled with "on" pixels, and the nice fractals stop changing.
I added a "shadow" to each pixel:
line(255+(xnn/85),191+(ynn/175),255+(xnn/85),191+(ynn/175),0) ' <- added this
There lots of ways to do this better, I know,
but the affect is that the image is still changing after running for 24 hours.
Kind of cool, looks like drawing with a stick in the sand.
EDIT - at least is was at one time. Now it appears it crashes after a bit, I was a bit careless with the above modifications. But the idea is there
I added a "shadow" to each pixel:
There lots of ways to do this better, I know,
but the affect is that the image is still changing after running for 24 hours.
Kind of cool, looks like drawing with a stick in the sand.
EDIT - at least is was at one time. Now it appears it crashes after a bit, I was a bit careless with the above modifications. But the idea is there
A few years ago Phil Pilgrim made an anaglyphic 3D rendering system for TV and VGA
here is a 3Dlorenz demo for those who have such Glasses.
I have been trying to simulate Chua's circuit with this. I want to see it in 3D, but the math is still too much for me.
LTSpice works of course, and I have built several implementations in hardware.
Also have tried to make a 3D Oscilloscope, but still have timing issues.
Still trying though .....