Need help with 16x1 LCD
I am having trouble with getting my LCD module to display anything. I can write to it, and read it back, but I am unable to see anything on the display. I used Jon Williams article for the circuit here [url] [/url]
If somebody knows what I am doing wrong to not get anything, even a cursor, on the screen, I would surely appreciate advice. BTW, I did try turning the pot back and forth.
I am having trouble with getting my LCD module to display anything. I can write to it, and read it back, but I am unable to see anything on the display. I used Jon Williams article for the circuit here [url] [/url]
If somebody knows what I am doing wrong to not get anything, even a cursor, on the screen, I would surely appreciate advice. BTW, I did try turning the pot back and forth.
con _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 obj lcd : "jm_lcd4_ez" ser : "FullDuplexSerial" PUB Start | okay, inbyte ''Test Parallax Serial Terminal number entry and display. ser.start(31, 30, 0, 9600) ''Start up lcd ser.Str(String("initing lcd, ")) okay := lcd.init(0, 16, 1) if okay ser.Str(String("inited ok, ")) ser.Str(String("display on, ")) lcd.display(1) lcd.cursor(2) ser.Str(String("scrolling nuts, ")) lcd.scrollstr(1, 1, 8, 250, @nuts) ser.Str(String(" repeat loop", 13)) inbyte := ser.Dec(inbyte) ser.tx(inbyte) lcd.moveto(4,1) inbyte := ser.Dec(inbyte) ser.tx(inbyte) lcd.moveto(1,1) inbyte := ser.Dec(inbyte) ser.tx(inbyte) ser.tx(13) repeat dat nuts byte "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOp", 0 volts byte " VOLTS ", 0
You aren't correct, but you pointed me to relook at my circuit, and I found out that I forgot to wire the wiper on my pot. It now works!
This is the second time I wired it up on my demo board. Could it be that I wired it wrong twice?
Oh well, all is good now!