Hydra games
I saw that the Hydra forums have been merged with the Propeller forums. There was a sticky with all the Hydra games and projects that people have worked on. Initially this sticky was in the forums, but now it is gone. Since items get lost in the forums after only a few days, it was nice to have projects in one central post. Is the Hydra games/program sticky going to come back?
You have to now go to Propeller Forum, Sticky: Propeller: Getting Started and Key Thread Index, and then find the "extra" category, where you will find : "HYDRA Projects Master List"
Seems to me to be buried a little too deep.
Stickies are great, too many stickies are bad. Some people view the forums on small monitors and even 4 stickies can be too much.
More involved solutions can cause even more problems; I know a few forums that sacrifice font-size to gain more space, but that can be equally problematic. We're working on another solution, but I'll see if I can't configure that long list of things into something... better? in the meantime.
Maybe ADD in stickies name ....... + HYDRA.
And I think all will be Hapy
There are only two Stickies under Propeller right now, one more should not make a big difference, and it may make the Hydra community not feel so left out.
VERY NICE title NOW on that stickies NAME.
As HYDRA is Product name and much people Know it it will be much easier for them to find related information.
Such as: putting the HYDRA related links all under a HYDRA banner, and maybe cleaning it up further. Checking the links and making sure it's all current.
The list will be my topiary, and I will prune it into a lovely shape.
Thanks for the naming suggestion!