Computational Algorithms
This thread is dedicated to a collection of computational algorithms, programs & related information that can be referenced in applications pertaining to the development of Propeller chip code. Feel free to add to this list. (algorithms, mathematical constants, computer programs, statistics, functions, proofs, number theory)
This thread is dedicated to a collection of computational algorithms, programs & related information that can be referenced in applications pertaining to the development of Propeller chip code. Feel free to add to this list. (algorithms, mathematical constants, computer programs, statistics, functions, proofs, number theory)
- Mathematical Programming
- Arbitrary precision computation
- FFT based multiplication of large numbers
- Binary splitting method
- Cordic vs BKM
- Computation of inverse and square root in high precision
- Newton's iteration
- Acceleration of the convergence of series
- N-th digit computation
- Archimedes' constant
- The constant e
- The logarithmic constant log 2
- Pythagoras' constant
Since all of your links refer to the same external website, wouldn't it have been more honest just to provide a link to that site, rather than attempting to catalog it here with deep links?
Seriously, cataloging a site like that, which stands on its own very well, just so you can put your name on it does not add any more value to it than a vanity plate adds to a car. It's simply dishonest to imply otherwise.
It would have been much better to provide one link to their main site, with maybe a brief outline of what it provides, along with a request for links to other sites that also provide useful algorithms.
Wikipedia has a good algorithm list here.
Sorry, but I'm with Phil on this one. To present an index for a site like this can lead a reader to believe that if a topic isn't on your index, then it (said topic) isn't covered on the site, and then not bother checking the site.
Even if you index "every topic" covered, are you (or someone) going to maintain that as that site (or any other for that matter) changes? This starts to get into the realm of "inaccurate or outdated information is worse than no information".
It would potentially be a different matter if the site didn't have any usable index or lookup functions, but that is not the case here.
John R.
Disclaimer: The links posted to various web sites in this Parallax General Discussion thread under the subject heading of Algorithms are in no way associated with Humanoido, unless otherwise noted.
I just had to laugh Phil, I own vanity plates... have had them (KAOSKID) for the better part of 15 years or so... in two states, and they do change the car... it makes it mine. LOL...
I kind of like it Hanno... It gives a preview of what to find there. Now, if only this forum made it possible to have a "favorites" or "save" thread list so we can have a single place for book marks like this....
This thread is dedicated to a collection of computational algorithms, programs & related information that can be referenced in applications pertaining to the development of Propeller chip code. Feel free to add to this list. (algorithms, mathematical constants, computer programs, statistics, functions, proofs, number theory)
Something more like this:
Computational Algorithms
This thread is dedicated to a collection of computational algorithms, programs & related information that can be referenced in applications pertaining to the development of Propeller chip code. Feel free to add to this list. (algorithms, mathematical constants, computer programs, statistics, functions, proofs, number theory)
- Informs Computer Society web site. Broad range of algorithms, refer to the site or their index for more information.
- Trigonomic Functions on the Interactive Math web site.
etc...John R.
Phil doesn't have time to do this, as he's fighting with the lack of features in the Prop Tool "IDE"... (See the Suggestions forum) :-)
John R.
Computational Algorithms
Well, anyway, I've started a tempest in a teapot and shall (try to) refrain from further comment. Besides, it's probably unfair of me to point a finger. I, also, have been known to confuse activity with accomplishment on occasion.
"I kind of like it Hanno... It gives a preview of what to find there. Now, if only this forum made it possible to have a "favorites" or "save" thread list so we can have a single place for book marks like this...."
I do like the latest list, a single place to find algorithms presented here on the forums as well as other sites.
My Bad... I meant to type Humanoido but the brain typed Hanno...
Ok, I had a sometimers moment... sometimes I remember and sometimes I dont?
Rossler Attractor