RCtime command and the bar graph
Posts: 54
I have built the bar graph in stamp works Ex #5,,ver 2.1
Does anyone know if there are other stamp works ( or nuts and bolts) available? Here was the code,,In the text it explains to scale we divide by 695/255. where does this 695 number come from?
Any suggestions where to learn more on scale, etc, to know how this code works.
What I want is a more lively display,,,I have a photo resistor of 1k bright light to 10k when dark,,,,,,could this replace the pot directly?
Or would it be possible to use random numbers ,to generate a moving display.
Program: SW21-EX05-LED_Graph.BS2:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
[ Program Description ]
' Displays a linear (bar) or dot graph using eight LEDs. This program
' will require modifications (to the constants LoScale and HiScale) when
' running on the BS2Sx, BS2p, or BS2px.
[ I/O Definitions ]
LEDs VAR OUTL ' LEDs on P0 - P7
LEDsDirs VAR DIRL ' DIRS control for LEDs
Pot PIN 15 ' Pot circuit IO
[ Constants ]
DotGraf CON 0 ' define graph types
BarGraf CON 1
GraphMode CON BarGraf ' define graph mode
IsOn CON 1
IsOff CON 0
LoScale CON 10 ' raw low reading
HiScale CON 695 ' raw high reading
Span CON HiScale - LoScale ' between lo-to-hi
Scale CON $FFFF / Span ' scale factor 0..255
[ Variables ]
rawVal VAR Word ' raw value from pot
grafVal VAR Byte ' graph value
hiBit VAR Byte ' highest lighted bit
newBar VAR Byte ' workspace for bar graph
Page 42 · StampWorks
[ Initialization ]
LEDsDirs = %11111111 ' make LEDs outputs
[ Program Code ]
GOSUB Read_Pot ' get raw pot value
grafVal = (rawVal - LoScale) */ Scale ' z-adjust, then scale
GOSUB Show_Graph ' now show it
[ Subroutines ]
HIGH Pot ' charge cap
PAUSE 1 ' for 1 millisecond
RCTIME Pot, 1, rawVal ' read the Pot
hiBit = DCD (grafVal / 32) ' get highest bit
IF (GraphMode = BarGraf) THEN
newBar = 0 ' clear bar workspace
IF (grafVal > 0) THEN
DO WHILE (hiBit > 0) ' all bar LEDs lit?
newBar = newBar << 1 ' no - shift left
newBar.BIT0 = IsOn ' light low end
hiBit = hiBit >> 1 ' mark bit lit
LEDs = newBar ' output new level
LEDs = hiBit ' show dot value
Does anyone know if there are other stamp works ( or nuts and bolts) available? Here was the code,,In the text it explains to scale we divide by 695/255. where does this 695 number come from?
Any suggestions where to learn more on scale, etc, to know how this code works.
What I want is a more lively display,,,I have a photo resistor of 1k bright light to 10k when dark,,,,,,could this replace the pot directly?
Or would it be possible to use random numbers ,to generate a moving display.
Program: SW21-EX05-LED_Graph.BS2:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
[ Program Description ]
' Displays a linear (bar) or dot graph using eight LEDs. This program
' will require modifications (to the constants LoScale and HiScale) when
' running on the BS2Sx, BS2p, or BS2px.
[ I/O Definitions ]
LEDs VAR OUTL ' LEDs on P0 - P7
LEDsDirs VAR DIRL ' DIRS control for LEDs
Pot PIN 15 ' Pot circuit IO
[ Constants ]
DotGraf CON 0 ' define graph types
BarGraf CON 1
GraphMode CON BarGraf ' define graph mode
IsOn CON 1
IsOff CON 0
LoScale CON 10 ' raw low reading
HiScale CON 695 ' raw high reading
Span CON HiScale - LoScale ' between lo-to-hi
Scale CON $FFFF / Span ' scale factor 0..255
[ Variables ]
rawVal VAR Word ' raw value from pot
grafVal VAR Byte ' graph value
hiBit VAR Byte ' highest lighted bit
newBar VAR Byte ' workspace for bar graph
Page 42 · StampWorks
[ Initialization ]
LEDsDirs = %11111111 ' make LEDs outputs
[ Program Code ]
GOSUB Read_Pot ' get raw pot value
grafVal = (rawVal - LoScale) */ Scale ' z-adjust, then scale
GOSUB Show_Graph ' now show it
[ Subroutines ]
HIGH Pot ' charge cap
PAUSE 1 ' for 1 millisecond
RCTIME Pot, 1, rawVal ' read the Pot
hiBit = DCD (grafVal / 32) ' get highest bit
IF (GraphMode = BarGraf) THEN
newBar = 0 ' clear bar workspace
IF (grafVal > 0) THEN
DO WHILE (hiBit > 0) ' all bar LEDs lit?
newBar = newBar << 1 ' no - shift left
newBar.BIT0 = IsOn ' light low end
hiBit = hiBit >> 1 ' mark bit lit
LEDs = newBar ' output new level
LEDs = hiBit ' show dot value
Take a look at experiment #26 in StampWorks.
This explanes the timeing and scale a little better.
note a small miss print in the math, the 250 should be 500.
Raw RCTIME value: 645
500/645 = 0.775
0.775 X 256 = 198(This is the value called Scale.
Hope this helps!
Since you're having fun with bargraphs, you may want to see my post about the LM3914 bargraph chip in the thread at http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?t=126533
That chip is cheaper than a Stamp, so if you only need simple bargraph, you might be able to use an LM3914 and save your Stamp for something else.