Amazing Machines!
Take a look at all these impressive and amazing machines. Some of these machines sound like something from a new Tom Swift book.
Take a look at all these impressive and amazing machines. Some of these machines sound like something from a new Tom Swift book.
Now there's a series of books I loved! I read ALL of them during the course of one summer and the first part of the school year. When I say all, I mean all 33 of the Jr books and all 40 of the Sr books. I was reading a book a day; I know there were more. Lots more, but for some reason I can only verify the 73 books above.
<Sigh> This was back in... 1979 ... It was the summer I discovered that reading kept me out of trouble and off of my fathers "radar"..
The good old times when Life was indeed simple!
I loved them all. I remember my Mom and I talking about them back then. I would try to make some of the things as well. That's the year I got my presidential readers club patch.
Baaaah! The Haas mill has an old software version, they need an update.
My Haas lathe has a newer version running. :yeah:
And they don't have a lathe at all.
Probably the case, but because you and I know that Haas is really good at taking your money we'll happily live with the "old" software that serves us perfectly well. What was the last Haas quote I reviewed? I think it was a $800 option for the USB Memory Stick for program upload. Way expensive, but mostly worth it.