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Holiday LED Contest — Parallax Forums

Holiday LED Contest

BumpBump Posts: 592
edited 2010-12-03 11:10 in Announcements

This is the first contest of two. A second contest will be posted in time, and when it is we will link to it through this forum at that time.

It is our hope that contest registrants use this forum as a resource for their project, and that all forum members feel welcomed to answer questions, help as needed, or just view the projects posted as they're developed.

The Competition: In this challenge students will use light-emitting diodes of their choice (LEDs) to create a holiday display of their own design. A display should have a simple theme--Christmas, the New Year, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Easter, Passover, Halloween, or other seasonal holiday. Examples could include an ornament, display item, game, animated toy or anything else as long as it uses LEDs and has a holiday theme!
350 x 100 - 22K


  • DaveJensonDaveJenson Posts: 375
    edited 2010-11-02 12:34

    the link you posted goes to an error page....
  • BumpBump Posts: 592
    edited 2010-11-02 13:15
    Yeah, the site had the hiccups; however the good doctor came in and administered the medication it required.

    Everything should be back within the bounds of the array.
  • bioelectronikerbioelectroniker Posts: 3
    edited 2010-12-03 11:10
    Hi, I would like to participate in the contest, and I had two questions: the first one regarding the RGB LEDs, and it is good to know we can use them, the second, regarding my participation: I dont live in the United States, I live in Guatemala, just below Mexico, and I would like to know if I could participate. I hope that the fact I dont in the USA does not mean a problem. I also have trouble registering for the contest because my location can only be a state in the USA, and obviously I cannot select any of those. Thanks for answering my question, and sorry if my english is bad.

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