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Where's Sandbox forum/Atmega question — Parallax Forums

Where's Sandbox forum/Atmega question

edited 2010-11-02 05:08 in General Discussion
Am I missing something or is the Sandbox forum no longer available?

I was digging throgh my junk drawer and found a RBBB Kit that contains an Atmega 328p chip and several other items. I have access to pretty much any components I need and would like some suggestions as to what I can make/ do with this chip. Thanks for any suggestions, tips or ideas you may have.


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-11-01 20:05
    NWCCTV wrote:
    Am I missing something or is the Sandbox forum no longer available?
    You're in it. It was just moved and renamed, not deleted.

  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2010-11-01 20:09
    Thanks. I thought the topics looked familiar. Just double checking.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2010-11-01 20:21
    Does RBBB = Really Bare Bones Board?

    If so I have one and use it as a co-processor with my BS2 powered robot. Even with a propeller chip it would be useful as an A/D converter.

    By itself it is a fairly capable microcontroller and you could build a robot, propeller clock, or light cube with it.
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2010-11-01 20:58
    Yes, Really Bare Bones Board. How do I program and what language, etc? Should I build the kit or is it better to not build and just use the Atmega chip? The light cube sounds interesting, but may modify to resemble eyes blinking at various speeds, etc. Is there a forum or anything on working with them that you know of?
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2010-11-01 21:50
    You should be able to use Atmel AVR Studio and assembler or C. You will need something like an AVRISP or an AVR Dragon to program the board, the latter offers debugging, as well. I'm assuming that the board has a standard 10- or 6-pin ISP header. Try the AVR Freaks forum if you need help.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2010-11-02 05:08
    The RBBB is a Freeduino board which doesn't have the ISCP header built in. If you are handy with a soldering iron you could find the schematics for the pins connected to the ISCP header and add one. Then you can use the environment Leon mentions.

    By default the RBBB uses the Arduino IDE which is close enough to C that I feel comfortable programming in it. You use an FTDI cable (USB to TTL) to connect it to a PC to download programs.
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