If you are the owner of the thread you can also click on the triangle icon to report the thread to a moderator and ask them to remove it. That's what I've done for a couple things I had in the classified section.
I liked it better when we could delete our own posts (before anyone posted in the owned thread, or individual posts in other threads). I will look for the triangle now...
I don't like the triangle for deleting as it does not give me instantaneous control over a post. It also has to involve a second party and is not efficient. What is the problem in getting back our ability to edit and delete our own posts? Strange that any Forum would not offer control over this. Seems we are still missing key features. I like the new things gained in the new forum and appreciate the fine work put forth to establish it, but did not anticipate the loss of such basic and fundamental features.
You don't need to use the traingle to delete a post unless it's the first post in the thread. You can simply use the "Delete" button in the editor screen. But you can't delete the first post in a thread without moderator assistance -- for good and obvious reasons.
So think before you post; measure twice, cut once; a card laid is a card played; you know the drill...
You don't need to use the traingle to delete a post unless it's the first post in the thread. You can simply use the "Delete" button in the editor screen. But you can't delete the first post in a thread without moderator assistance -- for good and obvious reasons.
So if I begin a post with the first post in the thread, and no one has yet to post, then it still cannot be deleted?
After you mention it, now I see a delete function at the bottom next to the advanced features enable. Is this the one you mention?
Yes, that's it. When you delete post, there's also a checkbox that you need to use to confirm the deletion. The default is not to confirm it, so you have to check the box proactively to make the deletion happen.
Having some "Delete Post" education for the new Forum is helpful. It does appear the same kind of delete can be accomplished, comparing old to new forums, just the tools are a little different and in different places. I look forward to trying this next time it's needed. Thank you.
Rich H
So think before you post; measure twice, cut once; a card laid is a card played; you know the drill...
After you mention it, now I see a delete function at the bottom next to the advanced features enable. Is this the one you mention?