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OPverlaying symbols on car GPS units — Parallax Forums

OPverlaying symbols on car GPS units

w4fejw4fej Posts: 264
edited 2010-11-01 06:22 in General Discussion
I recently got a Rand-Mcnally 5" GPS unit (Truckers version). The unit looks like a pair of USB drives to Windows when connected to update from their website.. I am VERY impressed with the accuracy and ease of use of the device.

Has anyone ever tried to overlay some icons onto the display of one of these things? I would like to take APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) data and place an ICON on the screen with a symbol and a label.

The data is easily obtained and I already have the ability to do this on a NetBook computer using Delorme GPS/software.

Would it be possible to use a Prop or maybe even a BS2 to deposit the APRS data in the POI (Points of interest) file? The data update rate is low enough that you could use a calendar to time it.

I'm involved in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) for our county and the ability to do this would be a great enhancement to our deployment ability.

Any ideas??

Mike B. W4FEJ


  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,525
    edited 2010-10-31 12:39
    If the device has an USB port, then perhaps you could use the USB driver on this forum:

    The idea to use or mod one of those devices seems ideal, considering the cost seems low for many of them and most (or all?) are touch screen.

    I did play a little with this some time ago, and did manage to source a gps device for which the manufacturer was willing to provide an unlock code to enable custom software to be uploaded. This enabled me to write some windows CE software to do some custom things... it might be useful to display popup windows with messages sent from the connected Prop by simply monitoring a special folder on the flash drive.
  • w4fejw4fej Posts: 264
    edited 2010-11-01 06:22
    Maxwin wrote: »
    If the device has an USB port, then perhaps you could use the USB driver on this forum:

    The idea to use or mod one of those devices seems ideal, considering the cost seems low for many of them and most (or all?) are touch screen.

    I did play a little with this some time ago, and did manage to source a gps device for which the manufacturer was willing to provide an unlock code to enable custom software to be uploaded. This enabled me to write some windows CE software to do some custom things... it might be useful to display popup windows with messages sent from the connected Prop by simply monitoring a special folder on the flash drive.

    Uhhhhh, thanks, I think! :smhair: I just looked at the links you provided and I MAY be in over my head here! lol... Your code has the kind of comments I wish every program had. I thought I spoke English but there were enough new (to me) terms in there that I'm not so sure!!

    Kye made an observation to maybe use slow speed USB. The application I want to try is only GPS positions and a label which come along sometimes in seconds and sometimes in minutes so high speed USB MIGHT not be required.

    Guess now I need to do some sniffing around Rand-McNally and see if I can find a ham radio op that works in the tech support dept and can "help" me with some info on what to do (if anything) to make the unit display these packets on their map..

    Thanks again, I'll follow up if I get anywhere with this.

    Mike B.

    (Now if I can just figure out how to make that darn LED flash! :confused:)
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