What's a GIVEAWAY?
GIVEAWAY! These weekend giveaways always have a nice turnout, so let's get this one started. I have another What's a Microcontroller kit to hand out, so leave a post on this thread to enter.
For more information about this giveaway: http://www.parallax.com/tabid/136/ProductID/696/Default.aspx
Perfect for personal use or to give to a friend just starting out with microcontrollers.
This contest will run until November 2nd, 2010 at 2:00pm PDT. Winning participants, from the Discussion Forums or our Facebook page, within the United States are eligible for free ground shipping. International contest winners will be asked to pay the cost of shipping their prize (and any applicable duties/taxes/etc.). Winner will be chosen at random.
For more information about this giveaway: http://www.parallax.com/tabid/136/ProductID/696/Default.aspx
Perfect for personal use or to give to a friend just starting out with microcontrollers.
This contest will run until November 2nd, 2010 at 2:00pm PDT. Winning participants, from the Discussion Forums or our Facebook page, within the United States are eligible for free ground shipping. International contest winners will be asked to pay the cost of shipping their prize (and any applicable duties/taxes/etc.). Winner will be chosen at random.
Please count me in
Enter me if its ok, if not I totally understand. Thanks, Parallax rocks!
What's a Microcomputer?
What's a Micrometer?
What's a Microbe?
What's a microdermal piercing? (This one's from Google's search completion)
What's a Microcell?
What's a Microsoft? (Wait -- I know that one...)
I already know who would really appreciate getting this.
Mike B.
Do you guys use some cool program that scans this topic and facebook for entry names and puts them in a database and then you flick a piezo speaker to get the outcome from a propeller?