Merging forums and changing names.

I guess my original post ended up in the wrong forum so I will repost it here.
Makes a lot of sense to merge Hydra and Propeller forums. Might I be so bold as to suggest you do the same with the sensors, robotics, and possibly the wireless? A lot of the sensor and wireless posts relate to robotics use. Individually there is not a lot of activity in these forums so combining them may help stimulate things.
Makes a lot of sense to merge Hydra and Propeller forums. Might I be so bold as to suggest you do the same with the sensors, robotics, and possibly the wireless? A lot of the sensor and wireless posts relate to robotics use. Individually there is not a lot of activity in these forums so combining them may help stimulate things.
Good discussion. In keeping with PJ Allen's request we will continue to host Wireless and Sensors as separate forums [but not for the reasons he cited]. From a Parallax point of view we want to bring specific business attention to the two forums and their relationship to unique product lines. In this case the goal overlaps nicely with the fact that support questions for Wireless and Sensors often involve exclusive content, warranting their own homes.
Hydra and Propeller have been combined as everybody knows. I'm just really late in replying to this thread.