Tiny Two Wire and Propeller Peripheral Playground Modules
I'm designing more modules for the GadgetGangster Propeller Platform footprint.
I've mentioned these modules in other threads such as I2C Keyboard/Mouse.
Two boards I'm developing are shown in this thread:
The "Tiny Two Wire" module and "Propeller Peripheral Playground" module.
The Tiny Two Wire module is a simple board having an atTiny84 and connectors.
Tiny Two Wire module feature set:
Both Tiny Two Wire and Propeller Peripheral Playground boards will be
able to run the I2C Keyboard/Mouse firmware discussed in this thread:
The Propeller Peripheral Playground module is fairly complex,
but should be a good addition to our product/project mix.
Propeller Peripheral Playground module feature set:
One use of the boards is in support of Cluso99's I2C intelligent peripherals thread here:
One USB port should work (hopefully both) with as a real USB host with
Micha's (scanlime) 12MB/s USB host software here:
Hopefully someone can get a real USB keyboard & mouse working on Propeller.
So much to do, so little time.
I've mentioned these modules in other threads such as I2C Keyboard/Mouse.
Two boards I'm developing are shown in this thread:
The "Tiny Two Wire" module and "Propeller Peripheral Playground" module.
The Tiny Two Wire module is a simple board having an atTiny84 and connectors.
Tiny Two Wire module feature set:
Allows connecting PS2 compatible keyboard/mouse to Propeller pins P28/P29.
Includes dual PS2/USB connector footprint for PS2 compatible devices.
It is not possible to host USB devices with the Tiny Two Wire module.
Allows connecting up to 8 more pins to Propeller via the atTiny84 over I2C .
Allows connecting 4 40uV resolution 10 bit ADC channels to Propeller.
Both Tiny Two Wire and Propeller Peripheral Playground boards will be
able to run the I2C Keyboard/Mouse firmware discussed in this thread:
The Propeller Peripheral Playground module is fairly complex,
but should be a good addition to our product/project mix.
Propeller Peripheral Playground module feature set:
QFP Propeller, atTiny84, SDCARD, PS2 ports, ADC connecor, USB-A ports.
USB ports are host ports that should work with Micha's 12Mb/s USB driver.
The module can be used on the Propeller Platform or be used stand-alone.
Propeller can be an I2C slave device or be used stand-alone.
Propeller interfaces to: EEPROM, SDCARD, USB ports, PS2 ports, atTiny84.
atTiny84 I2C slave device for PS2 Keyboard/Mouse/ADC.
atTiny84 is a DIP14 and can be programmed in circuit with ATDRAGON or Propeller.
One use of the boards is in support of Cluso99's I2C intelligent peripherals thread here:
One USB port should work (hopefully both) with as a real USB host with
Micha's (scanlime) 12MB/s USB host software here:
Hopefully someone can get a real USB keyboard & mouse working on Propeller.
So much to do, so little time.
The PS2 footprint and USB-A footprint can be overlayed so either can be fitted. There is 1 link required for USB and 1 for PS2. IIRC I have published this somewhere (try my recent pcb thread with the TVBlade cct)?? If you then link the 2 PS2 pullup resistors to +5 or GND, it makes it PS2 or USB mode. Note most, but not all USB keyboards work in PS2 mode. I am only fitting USB connectors from now on.
For the ATtiny84, can you bring out the 4 ADC pins to a compatible 6 pin header? - my preference is the PMod which has P1-4,Gnd,+3V3/+5V. The dual NES pcb by Parallax has 5v & Gnd reversed to this. This gives you a few more options.
May get some time in the next few days provided I have internet. I am sailing from SOuthport (100km south of Brisbane) to Sydney :smilewinkgrin:
I'll look into the PMod connector.
I'm spinning another board that has only an atTiny84 + PS2 for the Propeller Platform.
A separate PMod fab would be pretty easy to do. I've included a preliminary snapshot of that here.
Add a fifth pin to the PropPlug connector (opposite side from GND) then the board will take all of my comm modules (SerPlug, 485Plug, more in the future)
You could also add a 4-pin I2C expansion connector like I have on my boards:
pin 1: +3.3V
pin 2: SDA
pin 3: SCL
pin 4: GND
I don't have any modules for this YET (<--- note the emphasis on YET)
@Bill, I'll add extra pins/connectors where there is room for them. Clearly the topic board is packed, but the simpler board has plenty of room.
Included is the option to use USB-A connectors instead of PS2 for keyboard
and mouse. The connectors will never be able to host a real USB device.
The device must be PS2 compatible to function in a USB connector.
I've added 2 of Bill's connectors with selectable voltage source.
The PMod connectors are attractive, but I've decided not to include it.
To me, a fully PMod compliant interface is another board entirely.
The 6 pin connector pin-out is similar to the PMod.
The idea of the pmod is so other pmod pcbs could perhaps used. For that you need to be able to link either 5V or 3v3.
Of course you are correct that you only want PS2 mode.
Currently it's 1am and I am 10NM off Ballina (the New South Wales, Australia) - sailing at about 7 knots out to sea on my catamaran :smilewinkgrin:
By the way, anyone tried with putting a USB Bootloader/System into a PIC18F14K50, and then connect to the Propeller?
Tubular posted a thread about that using a PIC18F27J53.
BTW, I really enjoy Futurama.
I see. I have a spare of those 18F14K20s lying around. All I need to do is to load up the USB driver inside (yeah, not any easy, I admit) and then interface to the Prop. Similarly, it's like a cheap USB->Serial converter. Is it a feasible idea?
off topic: Yeah, I really enjoy Futurama too.
probably going to production as is unless there is a really important change.
Some notes:
As Jazzed noted I did start playing with this on a PIC18F47J53 PIM module (microchip MA180029). I'm following the USB bootloader approach where the Prop Binary is dropped onto the PIC which is emulating a mass storage device (so no special drivers needed on the PC). The PIC then loads the Prop via the serial interface, although I2C may also be possible.
Unfortunately I pushed a bit hard and must have written over something on the PIC PIM module as it no longer boots into mass storage mode. I have the factory .hex file, but the device does not seem to be supported yet in PicKit2, so I had to put it to one side for the moment.
I think Starlino also did a PIC based programmer or loader - details were on the Gadget Gangster site which points to here http://www.starlino.com/usbthumb_propeller_programmer.html