Looking for an emprom simulator/emulator
I have a use for an eprom simulator. Preferably one that can simulate 24 pin eproms like the 2716. I believe some of these were made by parallax way back in the day (circa 1990). If someone has one collecting dust I would gladly make a deal to take it off your hands. I'm sure I could re-invent the wheel but I would rather just find one... got enough projects on the list as is! : )
Parallax used to have one a long time ago. It is a useful gadget. I haven't seen any for sale in a while but there are lots of examples and schematics online that you could use to build one if you can't find any for sale. I'd also keep watching on ebay since something will eventually show there...
Several years ago I bought a custom robot project based on some 80C31 boards which came with one of the old Parallax EPROM emulators. It was parallel based but was missing the cable. Since there was no docs for the pinout I had to figure it out. Luckily the software driver (on a 5.25" disk) has the source so I knew what PC pins to use. From there I was able to trace out the circuit on the emulator board and make a cable. I'm still using it with that robot project so I can't let that one go.
If you manage to find one of the Parallax EPROM emulators I can certainly help with the specs on the cable if that is missing and as long as Parallax is ok then I can help with the driver as well.
marsh at utlaw dot net