Professional Development Board & MAX3232E
Posts: 1
I am working on a serial communications project where I will be receiving serial communication on one serial port and will need to send output to two other serial ports based on what is coming in on the first port. (This will all be RS232.) I would like to do some simple testing with the MAX3232E chip on the Professional Development Board and I am hoping someone can share some working code for this item.
The MAX3232E chip takes care of the votage change between RS-232 and 3.3V TTL. Most of the serial communication objects should work.
Check out page 100 of the Propeller Education Kit Labs. These labs can be found under the "help" tab in the Propeller Tool (the free program from Parallax for programming the Propeller chip).
Once you have the hang of serial communication you ought to find pcFullDuplexSerial4FC.spin in the OBEX. You can use up to four communication lines with one cog with this object.