DIP Address Register RA Problem
I am trying to make an addressable circuit that uses all of the pins on the RA register. As I'm sure you all know, this register uses the four least significant bits since it only consists of four pins. The remaining 4 bits are "don't care" bits according to the SX datasheet. Unfortunately, when I make my address such that:
channelAdr = Addr
I don't seem to be getting the address value that I expect. I would debug but I am encountering an issue where the SX Key goes to sleep while stepping (maybe because of the 10kohm resistor across the reset switch). Anyway, the DIP switches just take the pins to ground so I would imagine that the address value would be 16 if none of the switches are thrown. This does not seem to be the case... Is it because of the "don't care" bits? Should I "AND" the Addr value with 00001111 to discard those bits? Ultimately, I want to shift the address << 4 so that the address is X16 thereby making each dip switch a larger address increment. If anyone could provide insight I would greatly appreciate it!
I am trying to make an addressable circuit that uses all of the pins on the RA register. As I'm sure you all know, this register uses the four least significant bits since it only consists of four pins. The remaining 4 bits are "don't care" bits according to the SX datasheet. Unfortunately, when I make my address such that:
channelAdr = Addr
I don't seem to be getting the address value that I expect. I would debug but I am encountering an issue where the SX Key goes to sleep while stepping (maybe because of the 10kohm resistor across the reset switch). Anyway, the DIP switches just take the pins to ground so I would imagine that the address value would be 16 if none of the switches are thrown. This does not seem to be the case... Is it because of the "don't care" bits? Should I "AND" the Addr value with 00001111 to discard those bits? Ultimately, I want to shift the address << 4 so that the address is X16 thereby making each dip switch a larger address increment. If anyone could provide insight I would greatly appreciate it!
You could also avoid needing to mask them for your addressing scheme by doing something like this: