ok , i will give parallax a call first thing Monday i wish they were open on the weekend i am very frustrated with the xbee right now i heard they are very good tools but it seems like there hard to use.
to answer the other question i have everything hooked up exactly like your example screenshot and i get the response thats shows on the screen below.
There are very many settings(modem configuration) that have to be right.
If even one is off you will get results of your range test.
Can you tell me what XBEE modules you are using and what adapter boards you have. Perhaps a screen shot of modem configuration window.
I just got mine in today, I'm not having the trouble you are.
I did get the XBEE USB ADAPTER BOARD, so that may have made things easier for me. I need to use it some more XBEE to XBEE before trying it with a Propeller.
attached wiring I used for the remote loop-back test.
nothing connected other than what you see.
Chris, the other XBee should not have any pins connected to the propeller at all. It should have a jumper from DOUT to DIN. If you are using a second Demo Board for the "far" XBee, you are only using it as a power supply, nothing else.
After loading SerialPassThrough.spin and then starting up the X-CTU program, choose the terminal tab and start typing. Do you see the characters that you type being echoed back? What you type shows in blue and the received characters are in red.
It works for me, however when I attempt to range test I get the same time out message as you. I'm not sure why that is and I'm not concerned about it because when I use the XBee USB adapter it works just fine.
There are very many settings(modem configuration) that have to be right.
If even one is off you will get results of your range test.
Can you tell me what XBEE modules you are using and what adapter boards you have. Perhaps a screen shot of modem configuration window.
I just got mine in today, I'm not having the trouble you are.
I did get the XBEE USB ADAPTER BOARD, so that may have made things easier for me. I need to use it some more XBEE to XBEE before trying it with a Propeller.
attached wiring I used for the remote loop-back test.
nothing connected other than what you see.
the XBEE model i am using is (XB24-ACI-001)
i am using the non USB adapter board NOTE: i had dave for tec support solder it for me as my vision is very bad so the connections are perfect.
Also i will be around teh computer all day if anyone would like to help. and thnaks to everyone that has helped me so far you gys are awesome.
1 xbee with loopback? how do you have the other xbee wired up?
Just to be clear: You need to have two XBees. The first XBee is wired to the Propeller chip which is connected to your computer, the other XBee is NOT wired to the Propeller chip at all. It has it's DOUT connected to it's DIN.
Just to be clear: You need to have two XBees. The first XBee is wired to the Propeller chip which is connected to your computer, the other XBee is NOT wired to the Propeller chip at all. It has it's DOUT connected to it's DIN.
Rich H
this is how i have mine hooked up i just wanted to make the point earlyer that i did have the one with loopback hooked to my computer.
When you load the code onto the Propeller using the Propeller tool you can see what com port it is using. Is it com 4?
Also, be sure to close the X-CTU program each time you reload code onto the Propeller. I have had times when simply restarting X-CTU solved the problem.
i just wanted to make the point earlyer that i did have the one with loopback hooked to my computer.
The one with loopback should not be hooked to your computer. The one hooked to your computer is not doing the "looping back", it is sending the data out wirelessly to whatever XBees are listening.
The far XBee, the one where DOUT is connected to DIN, is the one "looping back". The data that it receives gets pushed out of it's DOUT line. But since that DOUT is wired to the DIN the data is fed back into it and retransmitted back to the original XBee.
yes, it is com4 also let me hook up the correct board to the PC i will put simple debug on that propeller board and the other board with loop back will be running serial pass through
yes, it is com4 also let me hook up the correct board to the PC i will put simple debug on that propeller board and the other board with loop back will be running serial pass through
No no no. The board which is connected to the PC is running SerialPassThrough, the other board, with loopback (DOUT connected to DIN) is running nothing.
It looks to be wired correctly. I can't verify 100% that the wires go exactly where they are supposed to because they cross over each other and are the same color.
If you run the Parallax Serial Terminal along with the X_CTU software it may cause a problem fighting over the same com port. Not once did I use the Parallax Serial Terminal.
If you load the SerialPassThrough into Eeprom, you could just shut down the Propeller tool and forget about it, it doesn't need to be running. You only need to use the X-CTU program.
My personal opinion is your computer is not finding the XBEE connected to it.
It is important that you can get a positive result from the "Test/Query" button in X-CTU software (my screen shot post #40). I have not seen where you have gotten this result yet. Forgive me if you have and I missed it.
To get this requires only one XBEE and no propeller at all.
so until i get a good query on my xbees its not working correct ?. Also i dont have the USB adapter for the xbee but i have loopback setup on my propeller board. Will this work?
Roger, remember that he does not have the USB adapter board but must rely upon the Propeller chip running SerialPassThrough.spin in order to communicate with the XBee using his computer.
1. Reboot your computer
2. Download the attached files into a separate folder, open up SerialPassThrough.spin using the Propeller tool. It is the exact same code that works for me (except I changed the XBee baud to 9600 to match yours)
3. Make sure the XBee demo board is wired up correctly and connected to the USB cable.
4. Press F11 to load the code into the Propellers EEPROM
5. Close the Propeller Tool
6. Open the X-CTU program and verify settings are as follows;
* Baud = 9600
* Flow Control = NONE
* Data Bits = 8
* Parity = NONE
* Stop Bits = 1
7. Press the "Test / Query" button.
8. What is the result?
Hey Chris, I opened up your previous image in a photo editing program for closer examination and it does look to me like you have pins 4 and 5 reversed.
Try swapping those and see if it makes a difference.
to answer the other question i have everything hooked up exactly like your example screenshot and i get the response thats shows on the screen below.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
' Set pins and Baud rate for XBee comms
XB_Rx = 5 ' XBee DOUT
XB_Tx = 4 ' XBee DIN
XB_Baud = 9600
XB : "XBee_Object"
Pub Start | Value
XB.start(XB_Rx, XB_Tx, 0, XB_Baud) ' Initialize comms for XBee
XB.Delay(1000) ' One second delay
XB.str(string("Awaiting Data...")) ' Notify base
waitcnt(cnt+40_000_000) ' Send carriage return
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
' Set pins and Baud rate for XBee comms
XB_Rx = 5 ' XBee DOUT
XB_Tx = 4 ' XBee DIN
XB_Baud = 9600
XB : "XBee_Object"
DEBUG : "FullDuplexSerial.Spin"
word x[50]
Pub Start | Value
XB.start(XB_Rx, XB_Tx, 0, XB_Baud) ' Initialize comms for XBee
XB.Delay(1000) ' One second delay
x := XB.Rx
and i still get nothing
Good screen shot of the range test.
There are very many settings(modem configuration) that have to be right.
If even one is off you will get results of your range test.
Can you tell me what XBEE modules you are using and what adapter boards you have. Perhaps a screen shot of modem configuration window.
I just got mine in today, I'm not having the trouble you are.
I did get the XBEE USB ADAPTER BOARD, so that may have made things easier for me. I need to use it some more XBEE to XBEE before trying it with a Propeller.
attached wiring I used for the remote loop-back test.
nothing connected other than what you see.
After loading SerialPassThrough.spin and then starting up the X-CTU program, choose the terminal tab and start typing. Do you see the characters that you type being echoed back? What you type shows in blue and the received characters are in red.
It works for me, however when I attempt to range test I get the same time out message as you. I'm not sure why that is and I'm not concerned about it because when I use the XBee USB adapter it works just fine.
Rich H
so is this telling me that the xbee is working properly?
the XBEE model i am using is (XB24-ACI-001)
i am using the non USB adapter board NOTE: i had dave for tec support solder it for me as my vision is very bad so the connections are perfect.
Also i will be around teh computer all day if anyone would like to help. and thnaks to everyone that has helped me so far you gys are awesome.
1 xbee with loopback? how do you have the other xbee wired up?
XB_Rx = 5 ' XBee DOUT
XB_Tx = 4 ' XBee DIN
This is a shot of what I get. Yours should be similar.
i get an unable to communicate
Just to be clear: You need to have two XBees. The first XBee is wired to the Propeller chip which is connected to your computer, the other XBee is NOT wired to the Propeller chip at all. It has it's DOUT connected to it's DIN.
Rich H
this is how i have mine hooked up i just wanted to make the point earlyer that i did have the one with loopback hooked to my computer.
ALSO are the setings in my screenshot correct.
Also, be sure to close the X-CTU program each time you reload code onto the Propeller. I have had times when simply restarting X-CTU solved the problem.
Rich H
The one with loopback should not be hooked to your computer. The one hooked to your computer is not doing the "looping back", it is sending the data out wirelessly to whatever XBees are listening.
The far XBee, the one where DOUT is connected to DIN, is the one "looping back". The data that it receives gets pushed out of it's DOUT line. But since that DOUT is wired to the DIN the data is fed back into it and retransmitted back to the original XBee.
Rich H
No no no. The board which is connected to the PC is running SerialPassThrough, the other board, with loopback (DOUT connected to DIN) is running nothing.
Rich H
XB_Rx = 5 ' XBee DOUT
XB_Tx = 4 ' XBee DIN
my terminal program is blank on com3 thats the xbee thats hooked to the PC.
the other xbee and propeller board is hooked to nothing and its pins are set to loop back.
If you run the Parallax Serial Terminal along with the X_CTU software it may cause a problem fighting over the same com port. Not once did I use the Parallax Serial Terminal.
If you load the SerialPassThrough into Eeprom, you could just shut down the Propeller tool and forget about it, it doesn't need to be running. You only need to use the X-CTU program.
Rich H
sorry i did not return yesterday i got tied up with a few things . but i did try to close all propeller tools and still get the same results.
My personal opinion is your computer is not finding the XBEE connected to it.
It is important that you can get a positive result from the "Test/Query" button in X-CTU software (my screen shot post #40). I have not seen where you have gotten this result yet. Forgive me if you have and I missed it.
To get this requires only one XBEE and no propeller at all.
Hope this helps, good luck to you.
so until i get a good query on my xbees its not working correct ?. Also i dont have the USB adapter for the xbee but i have loopback setup on my propeller board. Will this work?
Rich H
1. Reboot your computer
2. Download the attached files into a separate folder, open up SerialPassThrough.spin using the Propeller tool. It is the exact same code that works for me (except I changed the XBee baud to 9600 to match yours)
3. Make sure the XBee demo board is wired up correctly and connected to the USB cable.
4. Press F11 to load the code into the Propellers EEPROM
5. Close the Propeller Tool
6. Open the X-CTU program and verify settings are as follows;
* Baud = 9600
* Flow Control = NONE
* Data Bits = 8
* Parity = NONE
* Stop Bits = 1
7. Press the "Test / Query" button.
8. What is the result?
Rich H
Try swapping those and see if it makes a difference.
Rich H