XBee SIP Adapter for Propeller ProtoBoard
John Abshier
Posts: 1,116
Same SIP pinout as current XBee SIP Adapter, but 3.3 volts power input. Drop the voltage regulator and logic translator buffers. I would offer it with the right angle headers not soldered so one could choose to mount the board vertically with right angle headers or horizontally with regular headers.
John Abshier
John Abshier
John, you're a good representative of our customers. I'll take your suggestion to my engineering team this week. I see no reason why we couldn't make this particular adapter.
But before we start a design I'd like to know why the regular XBee Adapter (the simple breakout board) won't fit your needs. Are you trying to reduce PCB/project board real estate requirements by proposing this board?
Look forward to your reply.
Ken Gracey
John Abshier
I'm looking at getting into the XBee's soon and John brings up a good point. If there is room on the XBee adapter boards to put additional pads for a single SIP header that can make the adapter more flexible. The adapters you already make are great but the format seems like it is better suited for working on a breadboard. Having the option to just use a SIP header may make it easier to use in some projects. If you can fit it on the existing board it may not cost anything extra other than adding a few more holes to the board and laying a few more traces on the board.
I have a similar request I'd like to make about adding two pads (spaced .100 apart) to many of your boards for header that can be used as a remote RESET. But, that is a topic for a completely different thread... If you ever get a break I would be happy to explain at length which products should have them and why.