7805 output is ~4.25Vdc
Its been a while sense I have logged on here but I read the forums daily. I am tryin to make a simple 5Vdc power source. I have a 7805 TO-220 package with .22uf and .1uf caps being fed by a 12 volt power source. Cheapy battery charger I think. The charger is outputing about 12 volts and I am getting only 4-4.25 volts on my output of the 7805. Any suggestions as I am a little stumped. Currently I am just trying to power a small 555 timer blinking led circuit and I know the 555 requires at least 4.5V to power it. Right now I have just a solid light and no blinking. If I use my boe bot as a power source instead of the 7805 I do get a blinky light so I know that circuit works. Any ideas?
Edit. I uploaded a screen shot of the schematic I tried making with Eagle. I'm new to Eagle so bear with me.
Also good catch on the caps being in the wrong spots. I changed them around and it still didnt output enough. Then once I added the larger cap to the input it worked.
Thanks again guys! I really need an O-scope.
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As for the topic. Can you hook up to a scope? See if you are getting a constant voltage, or some type of bounce caused by input voltage fluctuations (or something else). I know you solved the problem, but, if you know the cause of the problem, you can prevent it in the future.
1000µF sounds big, but if the cap is holding the input voltage high enough between input cycles, when you get much of a load on the regulator, it won't be able to do that any more.
You can get an idea of how much ripple there is by measuring the voltage using the AC mode on a meter.