set the password using keypad 3x4
im using for my graduation project a keypad with 3 colum and 4 row
i already do the configration but i dont know how to set the pasword
for example when im using if statment
it accept password "12" and "21" and its not taking it digit by digit
this is my code
please help
i already do the configration but i dont know how to set the pasword
for example when im using if statment
it accept password "12" and "21" and its not taking it digit by digit
this is my code
please help
keypad: DO HIGH 2 LOW 4 LOW 6 LOW 7 IF (IN3=1) THEN 'for row 1 a=1 DEBUG "1" PAUSE 100 ELSEIF (IN1=1) THEN a=2 DEBUG "2" ELSEIF (IN5=1) THEN a=3 DEBUG "3" ENDIF PAUSE 100 Raw2: HIGH 7 ' for row 2 LOW 2 LOW 4 LOW 6 IF (IN3=1) THEN a=4 DEBUG "4" ELSEIF(IN1=1) THEN a=5 DEBUG "5" ELSEIF(IN5=1) THEN a=6 DEBUG "6" ENDIF PAUSE 100 Raw3: HIGH 6 'for row 3 LOW 4 LOW 7 LOW 4 IF (IN3=1) THEN a=7 DEBUG "7" ELSEIF(IN1=1) THEN a=8 DEBUG "8" ELSEIF (IN5=1) THEN a=9 DEBUG "9" ENDIF PAUSE 100 Raw4: HIGH 4 LOW 6 LOW 7 LOW 2 ' for row 4 IF (IN3=1) THEN a=$2A DEBUG "*" ELSEIF (IN1=1)THEN a=0 DEBUG "0" ELSEIF(IN5=1) THEN a=$23 DEBUG "#" GOTO confirm ENDIF PAUSE 100 LOOP confirm : IF (a=1) THEN GOTO second ENDIF second: IF (a=2) THEN GOTO correct ELSE GOTO show ENDIF correct: DEBUG "Door Open" PAUSE 2000 GOTO main ' the right password show : DEBUG "wrong password" PAUSE 2000
You may want to try some like this
IF One = 1 THEN ' What ever you want to do
You may also want to try some like this
IF One = 1 THEN
IF Two = 1 THEN
' You code here
IF it dose not match then what to next
This would give you the first two # 12
i need a sequence 124 for example using var
A lot depends on how you want the keypad to behave. How does the user indicate that the password is beginning or ending? With a 3x4 keypad, the extra two keys are often used to indicate "clear" and "enter". Is that what you want? Do you want the keypad to timeout? In other words, clear itself after a specific period of time. Do you want to process the password as it's entered or wait for the whole thing to be entered before processing? What's the maximum number of digits in the password? Is the number of digits fixed? You need to say more about the kind of behavior you want for your password keypad.