Com5 vs Com7
I used my Propeller education kit on com 5
I just got the professional board and it tried to find it on com7 with no luck how can I make it try Com5?
Bill S
I just got the professional board and it tried to find it on com7 with no luck how can I make it try Com5?
Bill S
- click "Start" and "Run"
- enter "devmgmt.msc" and click "OK" to run Device Manager
- click the plus sign next to "Ports (COM & LPT)" to expand the tree.
- right-click the appropriate entry, e.g. USB Serial Port (COM5), and then click "Properties" from the context menu
- click the "Port Settings" tab and the "Advanced" button.
- From the COM Port Number drop-down, select an available com port number and click "OK"
- click "OK" again to close the device's property dialog box.
You can rearrange/reassign com port numbers to make the desired number available.Jeff T.
Bill S
It creates a file called Ports.htm in your temp folder and opens it in IE.
It lists com ports even if the device is not currently plugged in.
It gives a little more info for FTDI devices it finds from
which is the where FTDI entries live.
Port Name Device Desc Friendly Name Class
COM3 @oem3.inf,%agere6%;Agere Systems HDA Modem Agere Systems HDA Modem Modem
COM4 @oem25.inf,%usb\vid_0403&pid_6001.devicedesc%;USB Serial Converter (A20e1t7b) USB Serial Port (COM4) Ports
COM5 @oem25.inf,%usb\vid_0403&pid_6001.devicedesc%;USB Serial Converter (A10026yz) USB Serial Port (COM5) Ports
COM6 @oem19.inf,%usbmotmodem%;Motorola USB Modem Motorola USB Modem Modem
COM7 @oem25.inf,%usb\vid_0403&pid_6001.devicedesc%;USB Serial Converter (A600a1uX) USB Serial Port (COM7) Ports
USB001 HP DeskJet 950C/952C/959C Printer
I'm at a loss as to how I can get to use the Development Board.
I using Windows Vista .
Can any-one help use the great looking board?
You can use Device Manager to determine which one is which by only plugging in one at a time.
That should enable you to figure out which com port the development board is using.
Good luck.