Measuring AC impedance/resistance
So, I have a very weak AC signal that I am trying to determine the impedance/resistance on. It's an antenna of sorts. I'm guessing it's in the 10K-100K-ohm range. But beyond that, it's guess work. Is there an accepted way, to measure it. It doesn't have to be too precise, within 15-20% is good enough.
So the answer is, there isn't any easy way? No, "hook up a 100Meg resistor and read the voltage difference with a $5 radio shack multimeter" or anything?
My idea for a circuit was a capacitor-voltage divider circuit as a high pass and to keep the input in the range of a rail-to-rail op amp in voltage follower configuration, followed by a LC band pass filter with another divider to keep it in ADC range. I will post a schematic tomorrow if no better suggestions come in.
To get the right range, I should just need to change the divider circuit before the op amp.