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Yet Another Prop Supercomputer! The World's Fastest! — Parallax Forums

Yet Another Prop Supercomputer! The World's Fastest!

HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
edited 2010-10-25 05:44 in Propeller 1
EDIT: It is not a project announcement. Claims are intentionally grossly exaggerated beyond belief to obviate humor. At the DC during break we enjoy light humor about our design work - it breaks the ice, is relaxing, and it makes the day more interesting. Many ideas are born at these sessions and problems are solved. This is simply a light humor satire to serve as a relaxing diversion for those who are doing intense propeller design work.

Yet Another Prop Supercomputer!

As you know, several of us are planning really big Prop supercomputers.

This will be the world's fastest supercomputer, made from a collection of several thousand Prop II chips and tin cans. A large donation from the Forum "Friends Outstanding Program" is making this possible, in addition to our flea market proceeds. The leftover money will go to charity. Exact machine ownership is undecided at this time.

We will increase the speed of each chip to light speed warp by using a single counter and overlay the clock frequency on top of it to amplify and cascade the speed by a large factor through the constructive interference technique.

For software we are using the OBEX to generate FLOAT BOAT OPS in assembler to classify as a true supercomputer with FLOPS Benchmarks. By having a large number of FLOP programmed chips it will outclass and outperform all supercomputers. This will be the definitive machine.

Boards will be made using one of the popular programs, then sent off to a high quality boarding company, then made available to Forum members on a limited basis if there is enough interest.

The method to achieve this is pretty simple, since supercomputers are just simple collections of many chips stacked on top of each other and connected together with long red, black and pink wires.

This is a really big fast massively parallel machine that competes with the world's largest Petaflog machines coming out next year. We decided to spec out the latest design (existentialistically received from PJV) for this fastest prop enhanced Supercomputer, named the UMM Ultimate Mean Machine. Comments are welcome as the design is in it's early pie-in-the-sky and tongue-in-cheek stages. All details are below.

Questionable Specifications of the umm Machine
and a mix of computing terms to go with it...

(Part I)
Type of Machine – Disturbed, Dirty, Rude and Mean
Chips Used – Cosmetic (some eye liner)
Purpose – Hobby
Speed – so durn fast it gets hot to the touch
Power Consumption – Enough to trip kitchen circuit breakers
Clock – Yes, on Kitchen Wall
Full Wave - Yes, with One Hand
Detectors - Yes, Detects Metal, Chewing Gum
Inductor - Yes, at Military Induction Center
Kernal - Yes, at Military Induction Center
Software - Yes, Cotton Shirt & Fabric Softener
Hardware - Yes, worthy supply of Nuts, Washers, Bolts
Lookup Command - Yes, for Astronomers
Lookdown Command - Yes, for the Guilty Ones
Decay - Yes, bad tooth
Probe - thing that aliens do to humans
Square Wave - a wave not so intelligent or stylish
Critically Damped - Yes, too much Moisure
Spin Objects - Yes, several toy tops
Underdamped - Too Dry
Debugged - with RAID Spray Can
Number of Processors – 1 Million 500 Thousand and Two
Type of Processors – Pure Cogs with some milked processors
Main Function – fake, to look meanest and biggest
Size – really does matter
Mouse – yes, scratching inside the machine
Backplane – Spineless
Number of Components – 15 million less 14.9 mil for attrition/inflation
Reliability - None whatsoever
Assembly Time – 1.2 months per finger and some toes
How does it work? – we don’t know
Memory – we forgot
Dim - dim witted
Bright - Intelligent
Firmware - Pants that fit snug
Connections – More than we can count
Type of Interface - RedNeck Class
COB Center of Balance - Recklessly High
Debounce - grab the ball
Blinker - left turn signal on car
Object Detection - Metal detect at airport
Value - cost of object
Return Value - take back a purchase for money back
Expressions - smile, frown, curious
Evaluated Expression - He could be happy...
Chip - a chip off the old block
Ground - dirt you walk on
Write Cycle - the time to put cursive on paper
Executed - electric chair
Cell - in biology
High Level Language - educated university level
Low Level Language - Street gutter talk
Power Hungry - a Politician
Low Power - a ditch digger
Bandwidth - a measurement of men & woman playing musical instruments
URL - Utterly Ridiculous Loon
Unzip - pants, jacket
Socket - Hit it
Troubleshooting - a gun and a target with the word trouble on it
ESCape - get out of jail or school
Assembly - meeting of people
EEPROM - Extra Evil Programming Ridiculously Odd Memory
Launching a Method - Space Shuttle Launch
Spin Methods - Toy top, gyro, yo-yo, spin a coin
Timekeeping - set your Wristwatch
Plugged In - Electric Guitar
Negative - bad attitude
Positive - good attitude
Supply - Delivery of goods to a store
Common - everyone has the same hat
DIP - Dumb Interesting People
Gate - fence entry
Jump - long jump, high jump, hurdles
Block - don't let cars pass by
Upper Byte - top dentures
Post Operators - Work in Post Office
Register - sign up for a bonus
Long Stack - many boxes piled one on top of another
Cycle - Ride it! Born to be wild!
Enhancements – Exposed wires that can be jiggled
Schematic – Yes, on used napkin
Lights – Yes, 13 blonds to install 1 light: 1 to hold the light and 12 to turn the ladder
Software – none shown, was printed on disappearing ink
Program Language – Pig Latin
Style of Algorithm - Abusive
Method of Operating – Very Carefully
Cost – Not for Sale
Portability – Absolutely none
Battery Operation – Yes, 2 probes in 1,400 lemons
Backup – Backs up into a corner
Bus – Number 147 going East Bound
PROM – Yes, at the end of Senior Year
LED – Yes, it led to more
String - Yes, mostly Parcel String
Characters - Yes, very identifiable people
Copy Function - Yes, from one test paper to another
Storage – Yes, in the closet
Ethernet - Yes, for catching fish
High Current - Strong River
Carriage Return - Yes, horse drawn buggy arrives home
Video Output - 2001 A Space Odyssey
RAM - Yes, animal in the mountains
ROM - Yes, Ferrengi on Star Trek
Declaration - Yes, I declare "that's one small step for a man..."
Full Sweep - Yes, broomed entire Floor
Breadboard – Yes, in the kitchen
Blades - Yes, in the kitchen drawer
Secondary Communications – Smoke Signals
Cerial Terminal – Yes, for Breakfast
IR Detection – detects heat from mice
Amps Current – Yes, up to date
TV – Yes, reruns of Monty Python only
Documentation Source – Paper Napkin
Float Function - Yes, in boat
Bin Feature - Yes, to hold clothes
Piezo Speaker - Yes, French or Greek lecturer
Notes Enabled - Yes, with paper & Pencil
Resistor – wife component
Controller – wife component
Speakers - Yes, at Convention
Pins - 1,000 per sewing kit
Receiver - Yes, at 50 yard line
Reliability - None whatsoever
MTBF - from break time to break time
PreLoaded – Yes, on Jack Daniel’s Whiskey
Repeat Commands – Yes, Yes, Yes
FTDI – Yes, Frequently Tickled During Intermission
USB - Yes, Under Song & Beer
Buttons - 7 on Shirt
Keys - In Pocket, Opens Door
Tests – Failed all
Tasked - Yes, overworked, overstressed, overburdened, overtaxed
Local Variables – Yes, you never know what the locals will do
Tact Switch – Yes, very tacky
Public Method - Running for Office
Terminal - ill and won't make it another day
Terminal Message - You have a short time left, sorry
Disabled - Wheelchair mode
Active - Running Around
Fetch - a Cup of Water
Constant - Death & Taxes
Binary Patterns - Polka dot dress
Hex - A spell on you!
Input – Front End Abacus
Wired - Don't know what he's on!
Scheduler - Time to eat lunch & go home
Output - Don't ask, u don't want 2 know



  • VernVern Posts: 75
    edited 2010-10-21 08:59
    Out of sheer curiousity and not to detract from what you have and will be building, but what is the purpose behind this? What do you plan on using it for? Do you have any computing goals in mind? What have past supercomputers that you have built been used for?

    Oh and can it fold :D

  • Bobb FwedBobb Fwed Posts: 1,119
    edited 2010-10-21 09:01
    He's going to calculate pi. Because that's never been done before.

    Or maybe he'll calculate the best pie recipe. (I know it was bad, but I still posted it)
  • K2K2 Posts: 693
    edited 2010-10-21 09:14
    All dressed up and nowhere to go.

    Consider "Habitat for Humanity" as a focus for your unbounded energy. At the end of the day you will have accomplished something useful and blessed the lives of others.
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2010-10-21 09:45
    Yet another meaningless thread...

    We need an "Ignore threads started by ..." forum option.
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2010-10-21 09:48
    A thread worthy of the Sandbox..not Propeller.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-22 03:49
    Vern wrote: »
    Out of sheer curiousity and not to detract from what you have and will be building, but what is the purpose behind this? What do you plan on using it for? Do you have any computing goals in mind? What have past supercomputers that you have built been used for? Oh and can it fold :D Thanks Vern
    Thank you Vern. You're absolutely right. It folds - sheets of paper for envelopes and bulk mailing. :smilewinkgrin: The past supercomputers were used to build bigger supercomputers. :smilewinkgrin: The purpose of all this is to have fun and make new friends. :)
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-22 04:00
    Bobb Fwed wrote: »
    He's going to calculate pi. Because that's never been done before. Or maybe he'll calculate the best pie recipe. (I know it was bad, but I still posted it)
    Bobb, I love it! Preferably it will calculate cherry pie. According to Google, no other supercomputer has calculated cherry pie! LOL!! :lol:
  • Toby SeckshundToby Seckshund Posts: 2,027
    edited 2010-10-22 04:05
    @ Bobb Fwed

    You should always take Pie to at least four dismal places.

    (Choise towns/countries according to prejudice)
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-22 04:12
    hover1 wrote: »
    A thread worthy of the Sandbox..not Propeller. Jim
    Now just hold on a minute there Jim! This post, while it is indeed worthy of the Sandbox, was precisely aimed at any Propeller Grinches that stole Christmas without a sense of humor, to see if they could lighten up for just one second. LOL!!! :lol:

    to dream the impossible dream
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-22 04:18
    @ Bobb Fwed: You should always take Pie to at least four dismal places.
    Toby: LOL!! but why stop at four dismal places - if you wait until pie day, you'll automatically get 6. :smilewinkgrin:

    Pi Day begins at precisely 1:59 p.m. on March 14. It reads 3/14/1:59 which corresponds to 3.14159…
  • Steve-O-RenoSteve-O-Reno Posts: 22
    edited 2010-10-22 08:42
    WOW! That's a lot of Pie!
    Byte Slices (of Pie) = (8192+(512*8))*4*2000 :lol:

    My bad .... The Prop 2 will have even more!
  • VernVern Posts: 75
    edited 2010-10-22 09:29
    I meant the folding@home project for folding proteins. I was curious as to whether you will do anything useful with it. If its purpose is simply to exist that seems like a pretty low goal to set.

    Sorry I was hoping to learn something in this thread but it seems your main goal is to just poke fun.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2010-10-22 09:41
    Hi Vern.

    Even "Poke fun" gives some ideas !!!

    Vern wrote: »
    I meant the folding@home project for folding proteins. I was curious as to whether you will do anything useful with it. If its purpose is simply to exist that seems like a pretty low goal to set.

    Sorry I was hoping to learn something in this thread but it seems your main goal is to just poke fun.
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2010-10-22 09:47
    Vern wrote: »
    I meant the folding@home project for folding proteins. I was curious as to whether you will do anything useful with it. If its purpose is simply to exist that seems like a pretty low goal to set.

    Sorry I was hoping to learn something in this thread but it seems your main goal is to just poke fun.

    Hey, that's no joke. That would be an excellent application for a Propeller-based supercomputer. Interface with humans, and because humans have incredible intuitive powers that we don't really understand, the hybrid of human and machine can solve some otherwise(?) insanely difficult problems. Your computer might talk the talk, but can it fold like a mold? Check it out:
  • VernVern Posts: 75
    edited 2010-10-22 12:46
    ElectricAye, thats the type of folding I was talking about. Its interesting what mass colaboration among humans can accomplish. Have you seen the new space game that was developed to help chart more efficient paths through space.

    The competition they were holding has ended but I think you can still try it out.
  • K2K2 Posts: 693
    edited 2010-10-22 13:06
    Humanoido, it is well that you treat this as a joke. Until an assemblage of processors can be applied effectively to solve a problem more complicated than warming a room, it is a joke.

    There is more to building the Taj Mahal than acquiring sufficient calcium carbonate.
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2010-10-22 13:34
    Well said! All smoke and mirrors - no substance...
  • User NameUser Name Posts: 1,451
    edited 2010-10-22 17:21
    I wonder who gave this thread a star? It ought to be given a boot.
  • pjvpjv Posts: 1,903
    edited 2010-10-22 20:19

    And I'm trying to convince my engineering colleagues that Parallax and the Propeller are serious contenders for professional industrial applications, and this idiot rears his head once again pulling hard in the opposite direction.


    Peter (pjv)
  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2010-10-22 20:50
    I think what is missing is more program examples, schematics, ....

    and less abstract concept combined with plays on the english language and random ideas.

    How about limiting threads in the forums to program examples, circuit examples, problems, questions, suggestions that involve the connection, operation, programming, and the ilk.

    This is getting to the point that he should just make a website about it all, and leave one post titled "microcontroller supercomputer concepts" in the completed projects sub forum.

    All posts related to that concept should be in that same thread, as replies, not made as new threads in other or same sub forum category.

    In other words, stop making new posts for anything in the category "microcontroller supercomputer and concepts"

    Use your post in the "completed projects" sub forum.

    That is my suggestion due to almost every post from Humanoido being about "using and programming microcontrollers in multiples" a.k.a. "microcontroller supercomputer concepts"

    How about that idea?

    If I made a new post for every change idea that my BlackBox had gone through during the initial development, i would have 100+ posts about it. Sure i could think of permutations on that theme until my ears, eyes, nose, and mouth bleed ideas... creating 1,000+ posts...

    But thats what blogs and personal websites are for.
  • Martin HodgeMartin Hodge Posts: 1,246
    edited 2010-10-22 20:57
    K2 wrote: »
    There is more to building the Taj Mahal than acquiring sufficient calcium carbonate.

    Mind := blown
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-10-22 21:03
    Like pjv, I do worry that threads such as this could deter potential Propeller customers. To those who might thus be discouraged by the eccentric folly manifest here, please don't be. The Propeller is a serious, substantial, hardworking chip that will shorten both your time-to-market and your bill of materials. And Parallax is a company that stands by its products and will support your efforts like no other.

    But, that said, and for the sake of "embracing diversity", I'll stop short of requesting that the moderators transfer this thread to the Sandbox (or to Limbo). Perhaps Humanoido, after reading these comments, will see fit to make that request himself.

  • VernVern Posts: 75
    edited 2010-10-23 09:01
    I solved the problem in this thread by simply placing the original poster on my ignore list. It is much more enjoyable to read.

    This is the first forum I have joined where I used the ignore function so quickly, congratulations.
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2010-10-23 09:20
    This is also a discussion topic in Parallax and we agree that this thread shouldn't be in the Propeller forum. We are doing two things to give Humanoido a better place for his thread.

    First, in the short term we are going to rename the Completed Projects forum to Projects in Process, or something along those lines. Bump is taking care of this one and will relocate this thread.

    Next, in the medium term we're upgrading vBulletin to v 4.0. This version includes a blogging feature for ongoing projects like this one from Humanoido. He'll be able to use the blogging feature and those interested in his Supercomputer will be able to participate at their own will. The meeting about vBulletin configuration was held this week so I think we're pretty close to making this upgrade.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2010-10-23 09:30
    What is the Parallax view on Humanoido's contraptions, such as his 40-Prop SkyScraper Computing Machine?
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-10-23 10:30
    This is also a discussion topic in Parallax and we agree that this thread shouldn't be in the Propeller forum. We are doing two things to give Humanoido a better place for his thread.

    First, in the short term we are going to rename the Completed Projects forum to Projects in Process, or something along those lines. Bump is taking care of this one and will relocate this thread.

    Next, in the medium term we're upgrading vBulletin to v 4.0. This version includes a blogging feature for ongoing projects like this one from Humanoido. He'll be able to use the blogging feature and those interested in his Supercomputer will be able to participate at their own will. The meeting about vBulletin configuration was held this week so I think we're pretty close to making this upgrade.

    "We are doing two things to give *some user* a better place for his thread."

    I assume this applies to everyone and all product projects? This looks like a paradigm shift that could lead to fewer sophisticated Propeller contributors. The Propeller forum may become less interesting. Of course some of us may enthusiastically approve of that.

    Perhaps we should be more tolerant. Every year I go to Rocklin to be reminded of how wonderful Propeller people are in person. Some things strike me as odd there, but the strange things are easy to ignore because of the fantastic creation on the next table.
    Leon wrote: »
    What is the Parallax view on Humanoido's contraptions, such as his 40-Prop SkyScraper Computing Machine?

    I believe I would be happy for anyone to buy 40 of something from me.
  • P!-RoP!-Ro Posts: 1,189
    edited 2010-10-23 10:50
    If I were humanoido and heard all these negative comments I would be all the more determined to work harder on the supercomputer project.

    As it is with my own robot many of the people in my welding class laugh when I tell them I'm still working on it after two years.
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2010-10-23 11:06
    Thanks Ken! A blog would provide Humanoido (and others) a place to discuss his projects.

    I think the Completed Projects forum should be maintained but posted projects should meet the criteria defined in the sticky thread - if not they should be removed (e.g. those with no specific purpose or no program code, etc)

    Perhaps we should be more tolerant.

    There are guidelines for various forums allowing people to choose the topics in which they are interested (and minimize chaos).
    People should follow the guidelines or face the consequences.
  • K2K2 Posts: 693
    edited 2010-10-23 13:07
    P!-Ro wrote: »
    If I were humanoido and heard all these negative comments I would be all the more determined to work harder on the supercomputer project.

    That would be wonderful. I think we'd all love to see more fire and less smoke.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-10-23 14:53
    Like several of us, I've seen and responded to many Humanoidio posts. I showed him ways to connect all his propellers. Last I checked, he had an idea where he could buy a bunch of hardware and have a bunch of programs running on it. That's what he was comfortable doing. Now, for me all that hardware should be working together to solve one problem (other than blinking thousands of LEDs randomly). Alas, his vision is different, but I guess it's OK because sometimes his contributions are creative and entertaining even though they do end up in the wrong forum sometimes (... the test forum?).

    I would rather not see Humanoidio driven away just because he thinks different. I do however agree with K2 that there should be more sustenance and less wistfulness.

    I believe this particular thread was meant to draw laughs, to bad it drew more ridicule. I usually just ignore it all like I'm forced to ignore tinnitus :<
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