Bizzare Timing
This has been bugging me for a while and I can't seem to find the answer. This always returns 160M cycles instead of 80M cycles like I thought it should. Instead of P16 being high and low for 1 second it is 2 seconds. It seems that dT is added twice somewhere. What am I doing wrong?
CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 Pin = 16 OBJ DEBUG : "FullDuplexSerial" VAR long T, dT, oldT PUB Main dira[Pin]~~ DEBUG.start(31,30,0,115200) dT:=clkfreq T:=cnt T+=dT repeat if (||(||cnt - ||T) => dT) !outa[Pin] oldT:=T T:=cnt T+=dT DEBUG.dec(||(||T - ||oldT)) DEBUG.tx(13)
If statement is true
Pin is toggled
T is set to current cnt
Add 80M to T
Current cnt + dT should be one second.
So it should be high for 1 second and low for 1 second (0.5Hz).
What is it that I don't see?
I understand that it is not good time keeping but I am not getting 0.5Hz, I am getting 0.25Hz with my original code.
So you should remove the T+=dT (in and outside of the loop -- or just the T:=cnt inside the loop :-P).
Got it. Thank you.
T = cnt_old + dT
(cnt_new - T) => dT
cnt_new - (cnt_old + dT) => dT
cnt_new - cnt_old - dT => dT
cnt_new - cnt_old => 2dT