Valet Charging Station?

Here's Westinghouse's solution to charging cable clutter:
Still looks like a nasty rat's nest of wiring to me, plus it's simply plugged into an outlet, waiting to fall on the floor. Doesn't everybody have too many chargers and too few outlets? It's definitely a problem worth solving, but I don't think they nailed it here.
I made an extra shelf inside an armoire than holds our Roomba, Scooba, Dustbuster, plus several small chargers (battery, phone, camera). All chargers plugged permanently into a nice power strip. Out of sight, accessible at a convenient height, and always ready to go.
How have YOU solved the problem?
Still looks like a nasty rat's nest of wiring to me, plus it's simply plugged into an outlet, waiting to fall on the floor. Doesn't everybody have too many chargers and too few outlets? It's definitely a problem worth solving, but I don't think they nailed it here.
I made an extra shelf inside an armoire than holds our Roomba, Scooba, Dustbuster, plus several small chargers (battery, phone, camera). All chargers plugged permanently into a nice power strip. Out of sight, accessible at a convenient height, and always ready to go.
How have YOU solved the problem?
The possibility of problems with loose wires is very real. Growing up, I loved to build short wave radios. This one in particular was a Heathkit that sat on my desk with a bare wire that led down the back and around to ground. One day I smelled smoke like the house was on fire. I could not find the source so I ran to the neighbors for help. When we returned, we found the long wire slipped down behind the radio's AC wall plug-in and shorted the two terminals (becoming an arc welder that burned away the metal). After that incident, all wires were replaced with insulated ones and routed away from wall outlets and plugs in wall sockets were firmly seated or unplugged.
One of my "wanna do's" is to make the power supply there smart. Right now, each and everyone of them transformers are burning watts while not being plugged into anything. I'd love to figure out how to make it so they are 100% off until the device is plugged in to be charged... then it goes on.
Not that it burns a lot, but a watt is a watt is a watt. I estimate that during the day, when all the devices are out and being used, the untethered transformers are consuming about 10 watts an hour. A number of them are rated 5v @ 2 amp. One is 12v @ .1 amp, and the rest are 6VAC @ 2.6 amp.
And with the caps coming off the electricity at the end of the year, and a 15% increase in electrical bills, I'm trying to get things into "savings" mode.
PS - The switches and receptacles are available from appliance parts suppliers.
Nice Idea!
Okay, 'just kidding, but I don't trust battery chargers of any kind to be left unattended.