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joe22joe22 Posts: 4
edited 2010-10-21 08:03 in Accessories
i noticed alot of people were wondering how to get thier cam to record a video. i am wondering if anyone knows a program that will enable the cmucam1 appmod to take a photo (even if it is in black and whit) or if it is possible to take a photo but instead of getting an image get a matrix that will eventually depict an image?


  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2010-10-19 07:44
    The CMUCAM1 is a color detector camera, it doesn't display pictures. It allows your robot to track specific colors or to follow a line.

  • joe22joe22 Posts: 4
    edited 2010-10-21 07:50
    i am aware that it is a color detector, but one of my profeesors seems to think it is possible for it to take a photo at least in black and white or for it to provide a matrix that can be transformed into an image
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-10-21 08:03
    I believe there is one operation for the CMUcam1 where it will send a "raw" image to the host processor. This image is quite coarse and I believe it's in B&W. Look at the CMUcam1 manual for details. (It's the Dump Frame command).

    By the way ... "help" is not a very useful thread subject. You'll get better responses if you're more specific.
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