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ColorPAL and C Languaje — Parallax Forums

ColorPAL and C Languaje

osjerickosjerick Posts: 2
edited 2011-03-12 13:32 in Accessories
Hi, I Tried to connect a ColorPAL sensor to PIC16F877A, the protocol to generate a RGB color working perfectly, I used RS232 non-inverted and 74LS241 to simplify RX and TX on one I/O serial port.
To send a command I used:
puts( );
<--function of CCS PIC-C Compiler
puts("= R !");

When I send a command to sensing a color, I used:
puts("= m !");
Inmediatly the PIC set the 74LS241 to read in serial port Rx and I used the function:
gets( );
to receive data, but nothing returns. The Baudrate that I used is 7200 bauds.

How I write the function below on C languaje?
SERIN sio, baud, [HEX3 red, HEX3 grn, HEX3 blu]
Please Help me.


  • vettezr1vettezr1 Posts: 77
    edited 2010-10-18 17:32
    You might have better luck asking this on a PIC forum I wish I could help but most of us here use the basic stamps or prop MCU's
  • osjerickosjerick Posts: 2
    edited 2010-10-18 17:59
    vettezr1 wrote: »
    You might have better luck asking this on a PIC forum I wish I could help but most of us here use the basic stamps or prop MCU's
    Thanks. I did it! but no one help me.
    I'm from Venezuela, here PICs microcontrollers are most popular, Basic Stamp is not used or are not popular, then I not can buy it. Thanks again!!!
  • crsacrsa Posts: 2
    edited 2011-03-12 13:32
    Hey man, tambien soy de venezuela, lograstes hacer la comunicacion del sensor por ccs? estoy interesado tambien en lograr esta comunicacion con este lenguaje. Si sabes de algo porfavor avisame sino dime para ver si entre los 2 logramos realizarla. Saludos.
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