ColorPAL and C Languaje
Posts: 2
Hi, I Tried to connect a ColorPAL sensor to PIC16F877A, the protocol to generate a RGB color working perfectly, I used RS232 non-inverted and 74LS241 to simplify RX and TX on one I/O serial port.
To send a command I used:
When I send a command to sensing a color, I used:
How I write the function below on C languaje?
To send a command I used:
puts( );<--function of CCS PIC-C Compiler
puts("= R !");
When I send a command to sensing a color, I used:
puts("= m !");Inmediatly the PIC set the 74LS241 to read in serial port Rx and I used the function:
gets( );to receive data, but nothing returns. The Baudrate that I used is 7200 bauds.
How I write the function below on C languaje?
SERIN sio, baud, [HEX3 red, HEX3 grn, HEX3 blu]Please Help me.
I'm from Venezuela, here PICs microcontrollers are most popular, Basic Stamp is not used or are not popular, then I not can buy it. Thanks again!!!