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Food Stamps ‘n stuff — Parallax Forums

Food Stamps ‘n stuff

WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
edited 2010-10-23 19:44 in General Discussion
There is a current thread in the Sandbox that’s kicking up a sand storm. It pertains to low participation in the Completed Projects Forum. Although it is beyond the scope of these remarks to offer suggestions regarding that thread, the thread gives me the idea to propose the formation of a new forum that functions like a first cousin to the Completed Projects Forum.

The forum could be called “Bump's Big Basket”. Apparently, Bump has a basket full of stuff that he needs to give away. His contest entry rules are quite simple… Tell me you want it. Nonsense!

“Bump's Big Basket” contest should be associated with the concept of being rewarded for having done something that has some kind of value beyond that of posting a note that says, ‘Hey, man that’s cool… I gotta have that. Pick me.’

I’d suggest that the contest entry eligibility requirements be changed to include things like: The member having posted a forum question, or a forum response within the contest period, or a simple sketch showing, ‘This is how to energize a relay’, or ‘This is a photo of my unfinished blah, blah, blah’. The entrant needs to do something - anything that has some degree of value for another forum member. Then, as the winner is randomly picked, a board determines value/no value for the entrants post. Almost anything beyond, ‘I’ve always wanted one of those.’ has value. Duplicate entries could be allowed, however each member’s entry would have to be unique and different for each contest. It might also be good to restrict forum moderators in some way, as their numerous regular posts would give them greater advantage.

We’re paying for the food stamps for 43 million people today. How would our world be changed if their freebie was tied to some level of productive effort? In exchange for their food stamps, could they pick up trash along a city sidewalk? Empty a city trash can? Paint a city fence? Wash a city bus or a police car? Heck, could some of them even mow their own lawn?

I have a feeling that an ongoing “Bump's Big Basket” contest (involving participant effort) would stimulate ideas, could restart stalled projects, and we’d all be happy to share stuff lying around on another’s desk or bench. After all, that’s why we’re here, and Bump has a built in way to nudge it up a notch. Might work.


  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2010-10-17 11:02
    While I also love the idea of Bump's freebies, I can definitely agree with that WildatHeart is saying.. Last year I ran three different Unofficial contests for those would step up and do some cool projects for Halloween, Christmas Cards, etc. To say the response was less than hoped for would be an understatement. Forum regulars have noticed that I did not do a Halloween contest this year as a result of the poor turnout.

    I guess the trick is to figure out "why" participation is low..

    Is is folks being just plain lazy who want all of the work done for them? Maybe, but then maybe not. I know in my case, with this recession, I've been working twice as hard to make everything happen here that needs to be done to make the ends meet. Even as far as opening a new division of my business to improve each month's bottom line so that I can survive. While the rewards are worth it, it has taken a bite out of my Propeller project time. For instance, I'm getting ready to head over to handle 5+ hours of work today on a day when I might have spent it in my prop-shop. I know of a couple other forum regulars who are desperately looking for work. Priorities of taking care of "body and soul" have to come first.

    That being said.. There is much to be said about rewarding effort and work! Let's make those who cross the finish line on projects and software honored as much as we all can. Bump's Dump (a "verb" not a noun, heh) could be used or partially used in this manner. It all depends on the intent of why Bump exists in the first place. :)

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-10-17 12:25
    The awarding of prizes based upon anything besides a random draw will always be seen as arbitrary and capricious by some, particularly those who did not get picked for whatever reason. An individual forum contributor running such a contest can be as arbitrary as he likes, without anyone having a right to complain. It's a little harder for Parallax, though. In their more official capacity, the merest whiff of bias can easily be amplified, even though it's not deserved. Plus, anything besides a random drawing just takes time that might not be available.

  • John R.John R. Posts: 1,376
    edited 2010-10-17 14:49
    It all depends on the intent of why Bump exists in the first place.

    This is an electronics forum, not a forum on philosophy! Why Bump exists is entirely up to him to determine, and we really shouldn't force, or even suggests why, or anyone else, exists.

    How would any of us like someone else to evaluate the purpose of our existence?

    And for the record, the main purpose of my existence is to annoy my wife. After that, spreading the joy or sarcasm is a close second!

    - In case anybody is getting the wrong idea, this was all in jest. I just saw the "why Bump exists in the first place", and couldn't help myself!

    If anybody gets at least a grin out of this, then I've had a good day.

    John R.
  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-10-17 15:42
    I agree with Phil. A true random drawing is quick and fair....I feel like i am playing the lottery, except for i got nothing to lose and we are winning Parallax products, instead of money...Whats not to like, haha?
  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-17 15:51
    @Phil: Please let me dispel the innuendo in your post that anyone is complaining. Certainly not me! Parallax has ALWAYS gone the extra mile to be fair and helpful in each of my dealings with them.

    Secondly, I thought it was clear in my post that the freebie drawings would remain random and that the winner’s submission would not judged on merit. But technically, I guess “merit” is a subjective term. It’s hard to believe that anyone would construe the words, ‘Count me in’ as having merit, but i suppose an argumentative person could find reason to complain. I did include some very basic examples of what might be considered meritorious.

    “An individual forum contributor running such a contest can be as arbitrary as he likes…” Absolutely! But Bump leads us to believe that he’s more than an individual forum contributor (Bump(Parallax Inc)), and further goes on to talk about the Sales team supplying him with the goodies. But then, Parallax can be as arbitrary as they like too.

    The entire point of my suggestion was not to lecture on how to run a lottery, nor was it offered to complicate a giveaway contest, but rather to suggest a fun and educational avenue for members to display effort that would never qualify for submission to other more involved write-ups… the Completed Projects forum included. The thinking is that a “prize” would incentivize participation in a forum where all can contribute in an informal way without being judged. A good thing for all, Parallax included.

    It’s this simple… Here’s my submission for entry into the make believe contest for the Ping prize. The photo shows a very dusty OEM board with an XBee, IO pins, on/off switch, and a reset button. I’ll be blowing the dust off it soon to revive a project now that winter is about to set in again. Photo attached.

    I often think that if those of us with a bit more experience offered a bit more guidance along with our generous counsel to answer questions, the beginners would be more inspired to produce projects that would ultimately turn up in the Completed Projects forum.
    1600 x 1200 - 158K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-10-17 16:05
    @Phil: Please let me dispel the innuendo in your post that anyone is complaining.
    'Not sure how that was inferred from my post. It certainly wasn't stated or implied. My point was that the potential for dissatisfaction occurs whenever a judgment call is made beyond a simple random choice.

  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-17 18:24
    @Phil: In the old days we’d likely be considered neighbors if it wasn’t for the pond between us. In addition to that, I regard you as a mentor as I read (with much attention) your many posts to the various forums. I’m not just sure how we seem to be talking past each other on this subject.

    But at the end of the day, you’re likely right. I continually have to remind myself that a lot of life changed when I wasn’t looking. So, back to where all this started…

    Today. 43 million U.S. people receiving Food Stamps and a contest on a U.S. computer forum where the entrant fee consists of submitting as little as the word… “Gimme”.

    Wow! No wonder so many people are receiving food stamps.
  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-10-17 20:25
    @wildatheart...The reason why so many people are on food stamps is because of the current administration(Well, i guess all politicians really). They have spent all of this money and our economy is still suffering??...The Constitution provided for "The basic welfare of the United States"...It didn't say, "Turn this country into a welfare state"
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-10-17 20:32

    Two of the most taboo subjects in these forums are politics and religion. Please don't feed that aspect of the topic by responding in kind.

  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-10-17 21:11
    @phil... that is exactly what upsets me about America today.... better not mention God, it might offend somebody.... better not talk about politics, you might start trouble... all of the evil done in the name of political correctness. it is our duty as Americans to take part in our government
  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-17 21:29
    @ Ravenkallen: Thank you for your interest and for your remarks. Like you, I don’t agree with the politics of those in charge today. That said, my intentions are not to draw politics into this discussion but rather to point out that we have a great deal of control over our own future that extends beyond our own votes.

    Although I’ve never met Phil, it is true that we live relatively close. And just down the street from us, to the south (a hundred miles or so), Bill Gates built the most successful company in the world. I can remember driving past his house and seeing his old ’65 Mustang parked in his driveway. From what I’ve read about Mr. Gates, he’s been extremely demanding of his employees in terms of ingenuity. Regardless of your likes or dislikes for Microsoft, huge success for that company can be attributed to those demands.

    We’re (America is) at a crossroads. Parallax has opened door for beginners and professionals alike to learn and share the fundamentals of microprocessors and to help perpetuate American dominance in the field of computers, robotics, and digital signal processing. A post to these forums, insignificant as it may seem, may just be the incentive for a beginner to turn into another Bill Gates or another Gordon Moore.

    Why is it so hard to admit that we can do so much more than to accept the words, “Hey, man I want one of them giveaways.”? If the rules have to be so complex and if the feelings of those who didn’t win are so fragile that we can’t determine if something has value, then God help us… we all deserve to be on Food Stamps.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-10-17 21:37
    This thread has wandered away from anything having to do with this forum or the original topic related to Bump's Big Basket. As nicely as I can ask, please, let's abandon this tangent and get back to discussing the original issue.
  • TinkersALotTinkersALot Posts: 535
    edited 2010-10-17 21:48
    shakes head....why are there so many too eager to be nothing but buzz kills. I mean good gawd "food stamps"
  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-17 22:04
    @ Jim... if you've followed the subject carefully from the beginning, you would see that my remarks remain very much on task. The sensitivity that seems to be arising is due to the fact that some favor the status quo of la de da de da as it pertains to the giveaways. I've simply been asking for the entrants of the contests to make a nominal contribution as an entry fee in the interest of promoting Parallax sales, forum interest, and personal advancement for those who might benefit.

    Jim, I don't care. If you're happy to write "Gimme one of them." in Bump's giveaways, go for it. My opinion is that it sells Parallax and it's forum members (and America) short. I was hoping that we could do better.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-10-17 23:12
    @Wildatheart - I may get flamed for this, but here we go. The bit about the food stamps was used as an example to highlight your point about free vs. earned goods, if I interpreted that correctly. But that's all it was - an example. I think you made an interesting point but that's not motivated me to jump in here.

    My concern lies in where the conversation stopped being about your point, free vs. earned goods or Bumps Giveaway and became a different conversation about government and politics. I was hoping to steer the conversation back to the original topic without going into forum rules and all the attention that brings. Sometimes it doesn't go well.
  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-18 00:25
    Jim, now that you've jumped in... No you won’t get flamed for your remarks – your post is very much in keeping with what I originally proposed. In my most recent post please notice that I made a special attempt to dispel and tactfully downplay any reference to the concepts that Phil said were taboo.
  • TinkersALotTinkersALot Posts: 535
    edited 2010-10-18 07:37
    IMHO, Bump's giveaway is not broken and needs no fixing. It is a simple and fun thing that I think brings traffic and interest to this site. I don't see it in away being a reflection of any other thing let alone societal issues. Respectully, isn't this site is supposed to be about the exchange of technical ideas and in some providing assistance to others as they see fit? And if that is the case, then its purpose is not so much a soapbox from which someone can make manifest an expression of their personal values systems, or frustration with any realities when considered against said values systems. I can appreciate the personal situation expressed by wildatheart. Even so, I do not agree with the projected notion that Bump's prize give away is somehow related to that in any way or is less than a good thing as it is.
  • BumpBump Posts: 592
    edited 2010-10-18 10:04
    We've been running these types of contests for just over a year and when we began they had qualifying elements; however even with a more rigid guideline for entry, I had complaints. So the decision was made to remove the form and make the contest a random drawing, which I would argue works in our favor. This boon for marketing is noticeable on our twitter and facebook pages.

    By making the contest a random giveaway of items that have already been out-of-stock so long they're essentially paperweights in the office, or items that were sitting in the back of a tech support team member's cabinet, we've fostered another crowd of people. I see no harm in a corporation freely giving away items to people without any basis other than that of a hand-out; the governmental aspects of this style of hand-out shouldn't be discussed on the forums, more or less out of respect and also because we are an electronics company.

    That being said, in the past we've held other contests that had qualifying elements. The Parallax Prize Fairy came out of her well and bestowed gifts upon the forums three years ago. We recently gave away product to the 20,000th forum member; in less recent history similar giveaways have been made. We have a very friendly policy for gifting items to engineers in need, schools, and other people/places/etc that request our assistance.

    More related to the Completed Projects:

    $100 of free Parallax Hardware, all you have to do is make a compelling project and submit it. Our entries have been low, completed projects has been slow; however neither are dead. Supplementing the completed forums with my giveaways would just detract from the projects and give a new lease to the random giveaways of Parallax; I don't think people looking for a cool project would be very satisfied with that.

    Perhaps it's the case that giving away product randomly helps others that are possibly in financial crisis, or other 'dire dealings', create projects; I have received more than 10 emails as follow-ups to our recent giveaways containing pictures of what great little functions our gifts have helped facilitate. I love to see the ingenuity of people.

    As to the nature of my existence, please see the bottom of linked:

    I'm alive, I swear. I used to have a Bump's Dump, but it was called "Bump's Bargain Basement" and it operated like eBay before we moved old product there. I would love to have a basket, but I'm not certain if spending our forum resources on such an endeavor is most apt.

    I mean it'd be cool to have my own little cubby again, but I'd look quite the fool when the prize river dried up and I sat there idle for 8 months not delivering.
  • sam_sam_samsam_sam_sam Posts: 2,286
    edited 2010-10-18 12:38
    To me there is NOTHING TO FIX it what it is and that all it is nothing more and nothing less let be happy
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2010-10-18 13:31
    I like the format as it is.

    I did not like the "tell us why you deserve it" format, so I am glad to see it gone.

    Rich H
  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2010-10-19 14:31
    There is a lot of "marketing research" value in these give-away posts.

    Simply look at the number of people entering, then you will see what products people would like to have more than others.
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2010-10-19 15:10
    Maybe Bump could use the giveaways to make me an avatar. I've been so busy since the day we launched these forums I haven't been able to create an avatar. I don't lack creativity [too badly] but I just haven't been able to make the avatar a priority.
  • BumpBump Posts: 592
    edited 2010-10-19 17:13
    Oh I bet we could get something going, whatever happened to the littlest wii-head we had generated for you?


    We still have the old ken heads... look at young Ken sketch, and your head in a dinosaur outfit, your eye, a scary puppet headed Ken, and Russian Constructivist Ken head.

    Send by a request, we'll hook you up again.
    416 x 100 - 26K
  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-19 23:44
    Considering the remarks and the number of viewers of this thread it seems many have understood this thread to exacerbate a tranquil giveaway process. Wrong!

    Living in Washington, I’m reminded of the Washington state lottery. Although I’ve never purchased a ticket, the entry fee is a buck or two… maybe three or five. D’know. But whatever the fee, I often see the lotto tickets being unrolled and sold by the handful at the corner unbranded gas station/convenience store. The owner, a friend of mine, tells me that he makes more off the lotto tickets than he does from selling gasoline. Although a nice prize is occasionally awarded, we all know that the real beneficiary is the State of Washington.

    I thought that an entry fee to Bump’s RANDOMLY selected giveaways consisting of the submission of something (anything) productive (beyond a “Gimme”) would serve to benefit “the community”, just as the lotto serves to benefit the State.

    Bump, the benevolence of Parallax toward those in need is unquestioned, and Parallax should be commended, but remember… your random choice of a winner is not based on need. Then, as for those “thank you’s” that you receive from prize winners… would it be asking too much form you to do a write up and present their work, as you describe it, in the Completed Project forum? It seems that your inside involvement with the giveaways places you in a perfect position that could more than double the Completed Projects forum entries, thus solving the original problem defined in the first post to this thread. I’m sure those projects would be of interest to many of us.

    Following is some detail and a photo of another of my projects. Based on the nature of the Basic Stamp forum and the Sandbox forum it seems arrogant and inappropriate to post the following there. Likewise, due to the requirements of the Completed Projects forum or the $100 contest, the following couldn’t be presented there either.

    I don’t know if Avatar flew, but if he didn’t here’s the photo of the guts of a jet pack that would assist the process. This could be my submission to Bump’s next paperweight giveaway and possibly give Ken a new way to travel without his sidekick, Avatar.

    I currently use the backpack to control a rather substantial submersible. As you can see, the Parallax Stamp PLC receives control inputs from the handheld pendant. The pendant also monitors vacuum pressure. The PLC then outputs appropriate signals to the solid state relays that subsequently control the coils of simple and cheap ‘ole sprinkler valves. What more can I say? The 12 volt sealed lead acid battery and the inverter provide the power for this thing to fly.

    Again… this doesn’t fit the completed projects or the $100 contest, but perhaps someone along the line will benefit from seeing it. And again… a small and fun price to pay had this have been a real contest entry fee.
    1600 x 1200 - 256K
  • YoshtiYoshti Posts: 108
    edited 2010-10-20 06:47
    Again , trying to be carefull how I will bring this, but, in another post, I've asked if the NOOB could get a thread on "here's what Ive done so far". Kinda of boasting the accomplishment from a noob perspective. (was ignored on that request).
    My project did not meet the criteria of a completed project(was deleted). Though some area of the project, I don't want to divulge, it involves other type of electronic not related to Parallax and the programming in VB was very intense.

    The rest was out of the Parallax book to connect devices like GPS, 1-wire temp sensor, tilt sensor etc. So why should I display the basic of Parallax? Even the BS2 programming was text book also. And the rest was VB2008 ! Commnucation with BS2 with great graphic stuff.

    I've sweat bullets to get my VB to get info from BS2 and use graphics to display grahics like a compass, tilt angle like an plane horizon level etc...
    I'm sure that would have help someone somewhere ! But no place to put it!
    Here is a Picture of Vers. 1 of it (since then some graphics was modified)
    Right now , the project is stalled (personal reasons) and soon to resume...
    1600 x 1200 - 210K
  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-20 11:31
    Great job Yosh! Your effort is inspirational. I’d have to do some digging to find it, but if we had a forum of half finished projects, you might have found Unsoundcode’s suggestions for integrating the BS2 into VB 2008. It might have saved you a lot of sweat. Luckily I happened on it, and Jeff’s work not only taught me how to get data from the BS2 into VB 2008, but I’ve gone on to learn (with a lot of sweat also) how to ‘drag and drop’ the BS2 data all over my PC monitor.

    I like your word “boasting” as you’ve used it in this thread. It does seem boastful to post our half finished projects or ideas in the other forums such as you and I did to prove a point. W9GFO (Rich) recently began a thread asking about the read distance of the RFID reader. His entry to that thread this morning (and it was only chance that I saw it) is another over-the-top presentation of a half finished project… soon to be buried after having been seen by few. We don’t often see this kind of ending to a thread.

    I shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t judge the merit of Yosh’s project, Rich’s project, Jeff’s code, or my jet pack in a Bump's giveaway contest, but wouldn’t these submissions make great entry fees for a chance at the prize? It removes the boasting and the judging, and the submissions might point some of us in new directions; and if we have to submit “something” as an entry fee anyway, it can easily amount to more than a “Gimme”.

    A spinoff… Although the proposed entry fee might be as little as posing or answering a forum question, after the random drawing Bump could sort the entries from Bump’s Big Basket giveaway and place the ‘half finished’ entries in yet another forum called, Bump It Up! Imagine… a catalog of ideas.
  • BumpBump Posts: 592
    edited 2010-10-20 12:56
    It seems we had misinterpreted your original post to be something that would almost dilute the completed projects forums with my random giveaway posts, but that is not the case; it was a misunderstanding on my part. For that I apologize.

    Now I'll post what I understand from what's being said, and feel free to interject if I'm digressing from the intentions or clarify as necessary.

    One of the issues lie with the rigid format and entry qualifications for the Customer Applications page and Completed Projects forum channel, because it doesn't really allow for in-progess projects to be displayed. If an unfinished project is posted it gets pushed down into some other forum which is deemed more appropriate. As such it then becomes difficult to find the projects created by others because they get lost under the tidal wave of posts.

    As such the 'fix' for that would be to change the rules/sticky information to include works in-progress. The $100 hardware reward would still be available to those who sought such a prize, but the nature of the forum channel wouldn't force half-finished projects to find shelter elsewhere.

    We like this idea, because then it allows everyone a single place to convene to discuss projects in motion or finished goods. The focus remaining on the projects rather whatever cpu/hardware/etc it was using. We'll get working on the changes to this end, because that would be very beneficial to the community.

    And then, if I'm still interpreting this correctly; an incentive giveaway for participation on that forum? This is the 'buy-in' you were talking about earlier that I misinterpreted. Now it seems more like a request for a separate motivation for displaying works and being active on that forum channel, something unrelated to the random giveaway. That's also a good suggestion and we're working on a few updates that will become available in time, which should facilitate that request as well. Something of a discount code for active participation.

    I think I've got it right now, there was some confusion earlier with all of the posts.

    So in short: better representation for all projects completed or otherwise, and a potential incentive for participation.
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2010-10-20 13:16
    So in short: better representation for all projects completed or otherwise, and a potential incentive for participation.

    I think you are on the right track.

    However, I would retain the "completed" portion of the requirements, I think that is important. Works in progress and failed projects I feel belong elsewhere.

    I don't mean to imply that a work in progress equals a failed project. It's just that I am sure there are many interesting abandoned projects out there too.

    Rich H
  • YoshtiYoshti Posts: 108
    edited 2010-10-20 17:51
    If not completed (with minor final touch) at least , that it works and anyone can replicate the project?
    What if ,lack of funding, it's a bit delayed.
    But I do understand , that a completed project has more merit. And the risk with not completed one, may be never completed...
    There must be a happy middle ground?
    IF not, for the contest, a completed functional project... and maybe a sub area that is for almost fully functional !
    And an explanation of which part is not completed and maybe why?
    just a thought!
  • WildatheartWildatheart Posts: 195
    edited 2010-10-20 18:10
    Bump, no apology necessary. We’ll chalk this one up to my inability to express myself properly. As I said, it was never my intention to suggest changes regarding the Completed Projects forum or to any other contests. And it was never my suggestion to make your giveaway anything but a contest with a totally random draw.

    I raised the issue of Food Stamps because there’s a lot of work that can be done in exchange for those 43 million handouts. I think the psychologists would confirm that we tend to feel a bit more pride about ourselves when we work for something – that added to the additional pride we feel when we see others benefiting from the work we’ve done makes for a happier people all around. Some would disagree - but those might be the one’s who’d graffiti the bus instead of washing it as their contribution.

    @Bump… “And then, if I'm still interpreting this correctly; an incentive giveaway for participation on that forum? This is the 'buy-in' you were talking about earlier that I misinterpreted. Now it seems more like a request for a separate motivation for displaying works and being active on that forum channel, something unrelated to the random giveaway.”

    ??? It is suggested that the buy-in be tied to the giveaway as incentive for participation. This also takes the “boastfulness” out of a member having to post to a new “Half Finished Projects” forum, although this wouldn’t preclude a member from posting directly to the “Half Finished Projects”. The buy-in has great latitude for it’s’ submissions. I suppose if someone wants to buy-in with the word, “Gimme” it could be allowed, but as the reputation for the giveaway grew, the contestant would choose to up the anti by buying-in with something of interest to the community.

    Then… after the random draw for the prize, a secondary "reward" would be that YOU do a quick copy and paste (into the new “Half Finished” fourm) of ALL entries (AS SUBMITTED for the buy-in) that seem to have interest for the community.

    With the belief that many of us are looking for direction and things of interest, I’d be willing to bet that a “Half Finished” (“Bump Up”) forum would be very popular.

    If you think your marketing department is happy with the giveaway as it stands, consider the potential that might come about from members actually seeing some working or partially working stuff. I'd like to see the various ways Parallax encoders are being used. It might give me an idea to order one.
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