The Defective Code Box
In the old Forum, we could easily archive our own selected posts containing code.
In the new Forum, the code box appears and anything not visible in the box does not get copied, printed, or saved.
Can we eliminate the code box entirely?
In the new Forum, the code box appears and anything not visible in the box does not get copied, printed, or saved.
Can we eliminate the code box entirely?
??? I'm not sure what the problem is. You can select the entire contents of a code box for copying to the clipboard.
If you archive a page from the new forum that has a short program in the code box that does not require scrolling, there is no problem. If it's long code that requires scrolling, it gets cut off when archiving. Try it.
I am currently archiving by printing to PDF file, then saving the file. Any program code that is not visible in the code box without scrolling is cut off. So archives become worthless. It is a waste of inefficient time and effort to make two archives, one a cut and paste of code, and another of the text post itself.
If you want to archive your posts in all their glory, why not archive the HTML source? That contains everything, including formatting information and the entire contents of the code boxes. Plus, you can view the archived file in your browser, just as if you were viewing the forum. There are also numerous HTML-to-PDF converters available. Just Google html2pdf.
By deleting the lines containing width: and height:, you eliminate the scrollbars, and all of your code will be displayed.
BTW, most people have no interest in archiving their posts, so I would not advocate that code displays in the forum itself be modified to eliminate scrollbars. I think keeping code boxes within fixed size limits is a Good Thing, since it keeps the physical size of a thread manageable for an effective presentation. Code boxes are designed more to illustrate short snippets of code for discussion. Entire programs are better uploaded as attachments.
BUT many people post only that snippets in CODE BOX.
And NOT in attachments I many times archived that pages to On old forum.
That is now impossible.
Print it? Besides being ecologically questionable, why, and more significantly, why on earth would we worry about formatting something in the forums so that it prints nice?
I'm not a "new generation", I'm definitely "old school", and can appreciate paper, but why print program code? For a few months worth of paper and printer consumables, you can get a second monitor!
Sorry, I just don't get it.
John R.