Modular Boards
Hey there,
I just thought of a small idea. Yes - the idea is already there, but I love to make it a bit more towards a universal modular board.
I'm thinking of building myself a little board, with the Prop and the EEPROM on a small circuit board with the headers.
And also, I could make some more little boards with a DS1307 + battery (yes, Sparkfun has them all, but no access to them), or an ADC inside there, something like those Arduino shields.
Is it a good idea to speed up prototyping? :smilewinkgrin:
I just thought of a small idea. Yes - the idea is already there, but I love to make it a bit more towards a universal modular board.
I'm thinking of building myself a little board, with the Prop and the EEPROM on a small circuit board with the headers.
And also, I could make some more little boards with a DS1307 + battery (yes, Sparkfun has them all, but no access to them), or an ADC inside there, something like those Arduino shields.
Is it a good idea to speed up prototyping? :smilewinkgrin:
Look on this thread.
3D rendering of new Mikronauts PCB's layout
We have already some modules
I am looking into some items by Mikronauts and the SpinStudio modules as they can be used with other platforms.
I also use some of Propmodule's PropMod 1x1 for smaller projects like my current Plunge Logger. I am getting ready to start mass production on my M44D40+ module that will allow some easy prototyping as well.