Port B propeller PLEASE......
I know you have a lot of resources tied up in the Turbo Prop,(propeller II), but I believe the portb propeller 1 would be a useful addition to the propeller family, even after Prop2 comes out. I know it was worked on, and at one time (over 2 years ago) you asked us if we would rather you put resources into it to get it finished(validated), or to go full steam ahead with the propeller that was to be due in about a year from then. I, and many others, would like to see it come to light, especially if it could be before the propeller 2, but even after because of it's low power requirements.
Somewhere along the line, there got to be a disconnect between the design definition rules and the layout. I believe there was a problem "somewhere" with what in essence is a "ground fault". These are more than a little fun to find.
At present, Parallax does not have the resources to track down the problem. The project is by no means "dead", but there is no time line on when it will be picked back up.
John R.