Want to start using propeller..
Posts: 2
I am thinking about getting started on propeller programming, so does anyone have any advice on which kit to buy? I have the bs2 boe bot and some programming experience.
The "easiest" would be to grab the Prop Demo board. It has a breadboard, so tying it into your existing BOE bot shouldn't be too bad.
You could also go with the Prop Pro Development Board (there may still be some cosmetic 2nds for only $99).
There are also a number of other kits, including the Prop Education kit, Prlp Proto Boards, Prop RPM and a host of 3rd party boards to pick from.
If you go with a Prop Eductation Kit, I'd recommend going with the DIP version (not the Prop Plug).
John R.
If you just want the basic functions unique to the Propeller (TV, VGA, sound, keyboard, mouse, etc.) then the Demo board is the quickest and easiest. If you want to get serious, get the Propeller Professional Development Board and a spool of wire (you have to wire everything to the proper pins, but passives are already built in). I have one and it's the best thing I own.
Don't forget to order a chip for it too.
Rich H
Propeller Questions & Answers This is general information not specific to a particular kit.
Propeller Education Kit Labs downloads & code Although these labs are written for the PE Kit, the examples could be adapted to pretty much any platform with some prototyping space.
The PE Kit book and labs are also included with the Propeller Tool Software. So is the Propeller Manual PDF and Datasheet.
There is also a Spin tutorial built in to the Propeller Tool Help. It is written for the Propeller Demo Board but again, the activities can be adapted to other platforms.
Whatever you choose, have fun!
Stampworks is BS2 based. The Propeller board will not work with the BS2.
You could use the BS2 object in the OBEX:
to use the Propeller Development Board much like a Basic Stamp board. And at the same time learn a new micro at the same time
I agree 100%, the SpinStudio is the way to go. Has everything you need on one small 3 X 4 board. I have two of them and love them..
Mike B.