USB game controller?

I realize this might be an expensive item to have on a wish list, but a Propeller board with a USB master to allow a regular USB game controller for input would be greatly appreciated.
Or an add-on board that would plug-in a USB master to existing Propeller boards would be just as good.
Sure NES game controllers work fine and are much simpler to encode, but they are also a bit more limited in terms of options and features.
Or an add-on board that would plug-in a USB master to existing Propeller boards would be just as good.
Sure NES game controllers work fine and are much simpler to encode, but they are also a bit more limited in terms of options and features.
I have a FEZ Domino that has a master that has ready made classes for USB Thumb drives, hard drives, mouse, keyboard and joysticks. It is programmed in C# and I'll probably interface it via SPI.
The drawbacks to having a master is that you probably have to use another micro controller such as a PIC, ARM or USBizi and most of those are surface mount. Also you'll have to learn another language and IDE to program the chip. Also you have to develop an interface via SPI, I2C or serial to interact with the chip.
As for boards Microchip has development boards, Sparkfun has a PIC breakout and TinyClr has a series of FEZ products. I'm sure there are more.
Probably for most people the solution would be to see if the USB master object could be extended to a joystick interface.
John Abshier
There is an excellent N64 controller object which requires only a single data line.
For that matter there is also decent Wii controller support as well.
(I believe both are in OBEX)
I wouldn't bet on Prop1 doing USB controllers readily, Prop2 on the other hand...