What does Paralla used
to draw the schematics? Like the ones found in the PropellerDemoBD pdf?
I'd love to draw things like this!
(Sorry for the misspelling in Parallax in the subject!)
I'd love to draw things like this!
(Sorry for the misspelling in Parallax in the subject!)
If you really want to draw whole schematics, Eagle CAD is free for small projects and you can take a screen shot or create an image file in it. It has quite a bit more detail that just a font, but it take a bit of study to learn.
I suspect that the PDF you attached used something that costs money.
I just want to be able to draw the clear drawings so others can see and understand them without trying to translate my "chicken scratch" drawings and notes.
I'll give that a shot right now...
I'll try that too...
I prefer Eagle, but it may at times seem a bit complex if you don't intend to build a board. Why so? It has a huge part library and it takes time to learn where things you want are.
In Ubuntu, I have used Oregano and gEDA schematic editior. In those, the library tends to be too limited at times. So there is another frustration.
Various other Spice programs also offer a schematic editor. But again, it all may depend on having a library that provides the actual symbols you want to use.
Parallax has created an Eagle library of its components. And the small user license is merely $50 USD (or was when I bought it). That allows you to create double sided boards of about twice the size of the FREE demo version.
I DL'ed Eagle and am trying to get "comfortable" with that...
Like you said, there's some frustration in finding the parts that I need.
Another thing to learn...
tinycad + freepcb : free, easy to add components
Kicad : free, have little experience with it, works also under Linux
Diptrace : free for non for profit up to 250, and if you ask 500 pins. adding parts is rather easy, and on the gadgetgangster.com web site you'll find diptrace versions of the projects, including the components, and many tutorials. It works well under Linux with wine
and doesn't have any restrictions. RS seems to have started supplying it as a response to Farnell buying Eagle. It imports Eagle designs and libraries,
I used Easy-PC for many years.
Thanks. WOW, I've downloaded nearly everything suggested. I'm going to try them all and see how it comes out.
Thanks everyone!
Anyway a couple of suggestions:
talking about tinycad and freepcb get the latest version, even if it is considered a beta the latest freepcb version is the one to go.
Leon offered a couple of parallax related libraries for Designspark.
see: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?t=123744&highlight=DesignSpark