Should I change my name?
I'm getting tired of my name and don't know what I want to do, so how about a poll!
1. keep pi'd
2. use my real name, Derrick Huestis
3. make up a brand-new catchy name for myself (suggestions?)
1. keep pi'd
2. use my real name, Derrick Huestis
3. make up a brand-new catchy name for myself (suggestions?)
Rich H
If you go that route, then definately make sure it is something you would want to stick with
Many, many years ago I had intended to change my username on another forum to a mountian range in Cyprus, the Troodos Mountians (see:, however, I had the misforturne of mis-typing it the first time, and ended up with "Trodoss," which I ended up sticking with ever since, just for sanity sake.
So, the moral of that story is make sure your user name does not reflect your inability to spell, or it could end up following you THE REST OF YOUR LIFE
My original username was "microcontroled", but I changed it to reflect the correct spelling. :-)
Guess I just don't like sticking to one name. My original name was Roboluvr, quickly became I LIKE PI when I was a youg little nerdy boy, became Pi Guy after that then just pi'd. Now, a senior in high school with about 40 fewer digits of pi left in my brain it's time to get over pi. I'm just not sure of what new brand of name I should start now. I'm just dissapointed the name uno is taken. Perhaps something similar to the word bomba instead? (I like fire...)
Yea, gaining respect among the geniuses on this forum is hard enough if you're 15, and even harder if you make spelling errors!
Or CinderellaDokkenJovi?
Oh, I was around then too, but no, the name didn't have DOS/TRS80 origins. That would have made a better story :smilewinkgrin:
OOOOOOOoooooo. Nice! :smilewinkgrin:
Wow, that was brilliant. Wish I'd thought of it.
Kinda gets me thinking I need a new one too. It's been the same since I was about 13yrs old...... it was my cool hacker name, or maybe not so cool.
Rich H
Some text here for good measure....
More text here for further good measure....
'Just messin' wit' ya!
J/K. Read the ! upside down
P! is shorthand for Factorial P
ro is the name of the Greek symbol 'p'
Perhaps I should plug it into my graphing calculator and see if it knows.
I would hate to see your password.