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communication between main program and cog help needed — Parallax Forums

communication between main program and cog help needed

plinius10plinius10 Posts: 1
edited 2010-10-11 09:18 in Propeller 1
Hello Propellerheads:)

I've started working with the propeller a view days back and am comming along quite nice.

I'm coding an video overlay together based on the HITT video overlay. I'm displaying video on my pal display when there is a video scoure present and when there is not, the propeller generates the signal this all works very good.

My problem is I can't seem to understand how i can feed information from the video overlay object back to my main program. I have tried several options but none of them seem to work.

I hope one of you sees what I'm doing wrong.

Here are the two important objects that I use:

The Main program:
  _XINFREQ = 10_000_000

  x_tiles = 16
  y_tiles = 12


  long PAL_Mode
  long bitmap[3072]
  long display[3072]
  long cargo
  long strCargo


  overlay    :   "HITT_Video_Overlay_018"
  gr         :   "Graphics"
  Clock      :   "Clock_mini"
  num        :   "Simple_Numbers"



gr.setup(x_tiles, y_tiles, 0, 0, @display)

Clock.Init(_XINFREQ)        ' set up clock for accuate 10/second
Clock.SetClock(_CLKMODE)    ' video update rate

repeat                            ' loop until death
  gr.colorwidth(1, 0)             ' Set Color and Width

  gr.text(50,50,conf)           'This should put the value of the overlaymode on the screen


PUB conf

strCargo := num.dec(cargo)
return strCargo

And the Overlay code:
  LONG cog           ' Video cog number (used to stop cog)

PUB Start(VideoActive_PalMode_Screen)
  ' Start overlay COG
  cog:=CogNew(@OverlayAsm, VideoActive_PalMode_Screen)

PUB Stop
  if cog
    cogstop(cog~ - 1)

OverlayAsm    MOV _videoActiveAddr, par
              MOV _videoActiveValue,#0
              WRLONG _palModeValue, _palModeAddr
              MOV _palModeAddr,par
              ADD _palModeAddr,#4
              RDLONG _palModeValue,_palModeAddr
              MOV _screenAddr,par      ' Get address of screen memory
              ADD _screenAddr,#8

                                                 'This is my custom line of assembler<<<<------------------
              MOV _cargoAddr,par      ' Get address of cargo
              ADD _cargoAddr,#12

              ' Setup cnta to use video hardware
              MOVI ctra,#%000001_111   ' Video PLL x16
              MOV frqa,VideoFreq       ' Set video freq to 128MHz (80MHz / 10) = 8MHz * 16 = 128MHz 

              ' Setup VSU (initially off)  
              MOVI vcfg,#%0_00_0_0_0_000 ' Generation off
              MOVS vcfg,#%0000_1100    ' Use pin P18,P19 (2&3 of group 2) for output
              MOVD vcfg,#2             ' Use pin group 2 (P16-P23)  
              MOV vscl,VideoScale      ' Setup dot clock to 5.818182 MHz

              ' Setup I/O pins
              ANDN dira,_syncPinMask   ' Make Sync Pin an Input
              OR dira,_videoPinMask    ' Make video Pin an Output
              ANDN dira,_genPinsMask   ' Make gen Pins an Inputs
              MOV _overlayMode,#1 ' 1 = Gen Mode
              JMP #GenMode

OvrMain       ' Main overlay generation loop

                                                'This is my custom line of assembler<<<<------------------
              WRLONG _overlayMode, _cargoAddr
              ' Set video active value
              WRLONG _videoActiveValue,_videoActiveAddr

              ' Wait for sync pin to go high, or timeout waiting
              MOV _timeCnt,SyncTimeoutValue

WaitSyncHigh  AND _syncPinMask,ina  WZ, NR
        IF_Z  DJNZ _timeCnt,#WaitSyncHigh
        IF_Z  MOV _overlayMode,#1     ' Timed-out, switch to generate mode
        IF_Z  JMP #GenMode

              WAITPNE _syncPinMask,_syncPinMask ' Wait for Sync pin to go low

              MOV _timeCnt,#480        ' Wait 6uSec @ 80MHz                                
              ADD _timeCnt,cnt
              WAITCNT _timeCnt,#0

              ' If sync is STILL low then we are in VSYNC
              AND _syncPinMask,ina  WZ, NR ' Is Sync Pin still low ?
        IF_Z  RDLONG _palModeValue,_palModeAddr      
        IF_Z  CMP _lineCnt,#200 WC
  IF_Z_AND_C  JMP #DontCheckPal 
        IF_Z  CMP _lineCnt,#287 WC
 IF_Z_AND_NC  MOV _palModeValue,#1
  IF_Z_AND_C  MOV _palModeValue,#0
        IF_Z  WRLONG _palModeValue,_palModeAddr      

        IF_Z  MOV _lineCnt,#0              '   Yes, reset line counter
        IF_Z  MOV _currentAddr,_screenAddr '   Yes, reset current address
        IF_Z  JMP #OvrMain                 '   Yes, go back to main loop 

              ADD _lineCnt,#1          ' Adjust line counter

              ' If we are not on a visable part of the screen, just go back and wait
              CMP _palModeValue,#0  WZ
        IF_Z  CMP _lineCnt,#40  WC     ' Don't draw until line 40 NTSC
       IF_NZ  CMP _lineCnt,#65  WC
        IF_C  MOV _videoActiveValue,#0
        IF_C  JMP #OvrMain

        IF_Z  CMP _lineCnt,#232 WC     ' Don't draw after line 232 NTSC
       IF_NZ  CMP _lineCnt,#257 WC
       IF_NC  MOV _videoActiveValue,#0
       IF_NC  JMP #OvrMain

              MOV _timeCnt,#230         ' Wait for left margin
              ADD _timeCnt,cnt
              WAITCNT _timeCnt,#0

              ' Set video active to 1
              MOV _videoActiveValue,#1

              MOVI vcfg,#%0_01_1_0_0_000 ' Enable video hardware for VGA generation
              ANDN outa,_videoSinkPin ' Allow Sink pin to darken image              

              MOV _horzCnt,#16           ' Draw 16 longs per line (16*16 = 256 pixels per line)
              RDLONG _dotPattern, _currentAddr ' Get dot pattern from global RAM
              XOR _dotPattern,FlipBlackBit     ' Flip black bit so that 0=Transparent
              ADD _currentAddr,Next_Col              ' Adjust current address to next LONG
              WAITVID VideoColorsOverlay,_dotPattern ' Send dot pattern to video hardware
              DJNZ _horzCnt,#:NextPattern      ' Do next dot pattern
              SUB _currentAddr,Next_Line 

              WAITVID videoColorsOvrBlank,#0 ' Clear video hardware
              OR outa,_videoSinkPin    ' Don't allow Sink pin to darken image              
              MOVI vcfg,#%0_00_0_0_0_000 ' Disable video hardware
              JMP #OvrMain             ' Go back to main loop


              MOVS vcfg,#%0000_0001        ' Use only pin P16 (pin 0 of group 2) for video output
              ANDN dira,_syncPinMask       ' Make Sync Pin an Input
              ANDN dira,_videoPinMask      ' Make video Pin an Input
              OR dira,_genPinsMask         ' Make gen sync Pins Outputs
              ANDN outa,_genPinsMask       ' Make both pins low
              MOV _lineCnt,#0              ' 0-2 = VSync; 3-41=TopBlank; 42-233=Image, 234-261=BottomBlank
              MOV _overlayMode,#1          ' If bit1 = 1, then first time through

              ' Purge video hardware
              MOVI vcfg,#%0_01_1_0_0_000   ' Enable video hardware for VGA generation
              WAITVID videoColorsGen,#0    ' Clear video hardware
              MOVI vcfg,#%0_00_0_0_0_000   ' Disable video hardware               
              MOV _lineTimerCnt,cnt        ' Get initial cnt value

              MOV _videoActiveValue,#0 ' Assume not generating video
              CMP _lineCnt,#3  WC          ' Are we in VSync ?
        IF_C  JMP #GenVSync                ' Yes, jump
              CMP _palModeValue,#0 WZ
        IF_Z  CMP _lineCnt,#42  WC         ' Are we in TopBlank ? NTSC
       IF_NZ  CMP _lineCnt,#67 WC
        IF_C  JMP #GenBlankLine            ' Yes, jump
        IF_Z  CMP _lineCnt,#234  WC        ' Are we in Image ? NTSC
       IF_NZ  CMP _lineCnt,#259 WC 
        IF_C  JMP #GenActiveLine           ' Yes, jump
              JMP #GenBlankLine            ' We must be in BottomBlank 

              ANDN outa,_genPinSyncMask    ' Make gen sync pin low (sync level output)
              JMP #GenDone                 ' Done for this line

              ANDN outa,_genPinSyncMask    ' Make gen pin low (sync level output)
              MOV _timeCnt,#376            ' Delay 4.7uSec @ 80MHz
              ADD _timeCnt,cnt
              WAITCNT _timeCnt, #0
              OR outa,_genPinSyncMask      ' Make gen pin high (black level output)
              MOV _currentAddr,_screenAddr ' Reset current screen address
              JMP #GenDone                 ' Done for this line                               
              MOV _videoActiveValue,#1
              ANDN outa,_genPinSyncMask    ' Make gen pin low (sync level output)

              MOV _timeCnt,#376            ' Delay 4.7uSec @ 80MHz
              ADD _timeCnt,cnt
              WAITCNT _timeCnt,#0

              OR outa,_genPinSyncMask      ' Make gen pin high (black level output)

              MOV _timeCnt,#430            ' Wait 3uSec @ 80MHz (Left margin)                                
              ADD _timeCnt,cnt
              WAITCNT _timeCnt,#0

              MOVI vcfg,#%0_01_1_0_0_000 ' Enable video hardware for VGA generation
              MOV _horzCnt,#16           ' Draw 16 longs per line (16*16 = 256 pixels per line)

              RDLONG _dotPattern, _currentAddr ' Get dot pattern from global RAM
              ADD _currentAddr,Next_Col              ' Adjust current address to next LONG
              WAITVID VideoColorsGen,_dotPattern ' Send dot pattern to video hardware
              AND _syncPinMask,ina  WZ, NR ' Is Sync input low ?
        IF_Z  MOV _overlayMode,#0          ' If Sync input is low video input detected, switch to overlay mode

              DJNZ _horzCnt,#:NextPattern  ' Do next dot pattern
              SUB _currentAddr,Next_Line 

              WAITVID videoColorsGen,#0 ' Clear video hardware
              MOVI vcfg,#%0_00_0_0_0_000    ' Disable video hardware              

              ADD _lineCnt,#1          ' Advance line count
              RDLONG _palModeValue,_palModeAddr
              CMP _palModeValue,#0 WZ
        IF_Z  CMP _lineCnt,#262  WZ    ' If _lineCnt reaches 262, then reset it to zero NTSC
        IF_NZ CMP _lineCnt,#312 WZ
        IF_Z  MOV _lineCnt,#0
              ADD _lineTimerCnt,LineTimerValue ' Wait for next video line
              ' Set video active variable
              WRLONG _videoActiveValue,_videoActiveAddr
              WAITCNT _lineTimerCnt, #0

              TJNZ _overlayMode,#GenMain
              MOVS vcfg,#%0000_1100    ' Use pin P18,P19 (2&3 of group 2) for output
              ANDN dira,_genPinsMask   ' Otherwise switch to overlay mode, make gen sync Pin an Input
              OR dira,_videoPinMask    ' Make video Pin an Output
              JMP #OvrMain             ' Jump to overlay code

' Constants for OverlayAsm
VideoFreq                LONG $1999_9999   ' = 8 Mhz FROM 80Mhz clock x 16PLL = 128MHz
VideoScale               LONG $16_160      ' Pixel clock = 128MHz / 22 = 5.818181MHz
VideoColorsOverlay       LONG $0C_04_08_00 ' Modify if not using pins 18 & 19 for output
VideoColorsOvrBlank      LONG $04_04_04_04 ' Overlay value for blank video
VideoColorsGen           LONG $01_00_01_00 ' Modify if not usine pin 16 for output during generation
LineTimerValue           LONG 5120         ' 64uSec @ 80MHz
SyncTimeOutValue         LONG 1_600_000    ' ~1/10 second
Next_Col                 LONG 768          ' Offset from one column to the next
Next_Line                LONG 16*768-4     ' Offset from line to the next (get subtracted)
FlipBlackBit             LONG $AAAA_AAAA   ' XOR mask to make 0=transparent

_syncPinMask             LONG %0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 ' Sync output from EL1883 IC P23 (22)
_videoPinMask            LONG %0000_0000_0000_1100_0000_0000_0000_0000 ' Video output from propeller (~470Ohm) P18,P196yhn 2 
_videoSinkPin            LONG %0000_0000_0000_0100_0000_0000_0000_0000 ' Video Sink (darken) pin mask P18
_genPinsMask             LONG %0000_0000_0000_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000 ' Mask for both generation pins P16,P17
_genPinSyncMask          LONG %0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000 ' Mask for generation sync pin P17

_overlayMode             RES 1             ' 0=Overlay mode; 1=Generate mode
_screenAddr              RES 1             ' Address of screen array [8x192] longs
_currentAddr             RES 1             ' Address of current array element being drawn
_dotPattern              RES 1             ' Dot pattern of current element being drawn                                                            
_videoActiveAddr         RES 1             ' Address of video active variable in COG memory 
_videoActiveValue        RES 1             ' 0=Video blanked; 1=Video active
_palModeAddr             RES 1             ' Address of PAL_Mode variable
_palModeValue            RES 1             ' Hold value in PAL_Mode variable 0=NTSC; 1=PAL generation 

_lineTimerCnt            RES 1             ' Holds cnt value to start next line when generating
_timeCnt                 RES 1             ' Used with WAITCNT to make delays  
_lineCnt                 RES 1             ' Current line of screen
_horzCnt                 RES 1             ' Current long of current line 

_cargoAddr               RES 1

So what i do is add the two lines
MOV _cargoAddr,par      ' Get address of cargo
ADD _cargoAddr,#12

to the main routine and than in the main loop i write the variable to the main ram with this line
WRLONG _overlayMode, _cargoAddr

Am i right to believe that that should be enough to read the _overlayMode value stored in cargo in the main program?

The mainprogram als should convert the _overlayMode value (which is a long right?) to a string value so i can display it on screen with the graphics method "text"

i hope i made myself clear so you understand:) and that someone has the time to take a look at the giant wall of code:P

Thanks in advance!


  • CannibalRoboticsCannibalRobotics Posts: 535
    edited 2010-10-11 09:18
    Without going through the code completely I'd look at a couple of things off the top.
    The memory location _cargoAddr is being calculated incorrectly. A multiple of #12 just feels wrong so I looked further.
    The complier directive "RES" counts spaces as Longs so remember you add 1 for bytes, 2 for words and 4 for longs when calculating address locations. Below VideoFreq you also have 10 other LONGs defined then you have "cog" at the VAR section. Something is just not right. That #12 should be something more like 24 x 4 = 98dec

    Would be a good exercise to create a 'GetAddress' PUB that hands off the address of _cargoAddr during runtime using the @_cargoAddr syntax.
    When working with video displays, I will occasionally create a text line to show me where I am at runtime.
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