Anyone else have a problem printing....
your spin code on your printer? Mine cuts off the bottom line at the bottom of the page so I always miss a line.
Using Windows XP, Xerox Phaser printer 8550
Any suggestions?
Using Windows XP, Xerox Phaser printer 8550
Any suggestions?
The propeller tool has the annoying feature to eat extra line endings at the end of the file every time you reload it. That's why I usually put an empty DAT section at the end to keep the look consistent. This also means that the file ends with the text in your last line but (eventually) doesn't have a line break after it. This may confuse the printer.
A dat section at the end would save the last page but mine loses lines between each page. I consider it a real PITA. It does its best to ignore all changes and waste paper. I'm also using XP but with a different brand printer.
Since some people have it right I'll try the reduced font size suggestion.
At one level down on font size: One line lost
At two levels down on font size: One line lost.
Must be an unresolved bug like the off-by-one with hysteresis page markers at the bottom of the OBEX indexes.
Wish it would get fixed as I still like hardcopy as I am developing to scribble on.
Bill, Where would I adjust margins? I didn't find a place to specify the maximum number of lines on a page within the tool.
The work around for the right margin is too grab the left text window edge and pull it right until no text is typed out past where the printer will print it without a wrap-around.
The work around for the bottom margin is to turn on line numbers and do a test print. With the result one can comment in a forced page break and give it 5 carriage returns. On the next print turn off line numbers.
Just for fun, I'd try printing to the Microsoft XPS document writer (if you have that installed). Then, you can use the XPS viewer to print.
I've seen some scenerios where this made things better...
The problem of it always printing the area color where text does not exist even when color print is unchecked still exists. Attached are prints with the "Color Print" enabled (Prop-Tool-OkPrint.pdf) and disabled.
Propellor Tool needs some attention !!