Propellerpowered software pages: need some input

I'm working on a flat-file database (in perl) to correct the issues currently experienced at
This will make it easier to expand the collection into the various software types available for the Propeller, and make it insanely easy for me to update the page by changing a simple spreadsheet which is exported to .csv.
Currently among the links I have a link to the source as well as a compiled binary for the demoboard. I'm getting ready to add links for the PropCade and C3 boards. Shouldn't simple C3 and PropCade source links suffice given one doesn't have to tinker with the I/O to run the code? I could use the varied points of view on this one.
This will make it easier to expand the collection into the various software types available for the Propeller, and make it insanely easy for me to update the page by changing a simple spreadsheet which is exported to .csv.
Currently among the links I have a link to the source as well as a compiled binary for the demoboard. I'm getting ready to add links for the PropCade and C3 boards. Shouldn't simple C3 and PropCade source links suffice given one doesn't have to tinker with the I/O to run the code? I could use the varied points of view on this one.
Given the number of platforms, one approach would be for you to keep the "master" sources on your site, with #ifdef's and #defines for each platform. This would require people use BST or Homespun to compile the games as PropTool still does not have those features.
There is no way to avoid at least minor code fiddling to change to compiling to a different platform, as even though most boards have points of commonality, there are significant differences as well.
Case and point:
C3 and PropCade have identical VGA/keyboard/EEPROM pins and interfaces, 3.3V and 5V power, and audio, however C3 and PropCade use different crystals, different SPI multiplexers, and have some different features:
C3: runs at 80Mhz, has A/D, has 64KB SPI ram and 1MB SPI flash, has 8 user I/O's, USB programming port, and is a surface mount design with user-selectable TV or VGA output.
PropCade: runs at 100Mhz, has mouse, S-VIDEO, stereo audio, joystick interfaces, has six SPI memory sockets (for any combination of SPI ram / flash), IR in/out, RS485 networking, RTC, battery backup for RTC and two SPI memory sockets, RS232 programming/interface port, and is a through hole design with simultaneous TV and VGA output.
As you can see, the differences require some #ifdef's, or {} commented blocks for each board type.
Frankly, I think it makes the most sense for PropellerPowered to host all the games, as then there is a central repository for all the current (and future) games, which can hold the latest versions.