Getting Power from USB
Hi, i know that of course USB provides +5 volts but would it be possible to splice a extra one up and use it to directly power a BOE? Is there any way i could add some kind of diode or something so that if i accidentally short the usb wires out that it wont fry my pc ?
1. Despite Mike's caveat -- and he's certainly right in theory -- you may be still able to get by with running the +5V into Vin. The reason is that the LM2940 regulator has an extremely low dropout voltage at low currents, so you may not lose much on the output side.
2. On the cautionary side, though -- and this could be the killer -- the BOE's +5V circuit sports two huge filter caps (1000uF each). These will cause a very large inrush current when the USB is first connected, possibly causing a problem for your PC. The USB specs require a soft-start circuit to limit inrush currents. The SparkFun adapter does not provide this circuitry, and the PTC current limiter would repsond too slowly to be of any use in this capacity.
3. Don't even think about connecting servos to your BOE when it's powered from the USB port. Their stall current will be well beyond the limits of the USB port, and I don't really trust the PTC to respond quickly enough to prevent damage to your PC.
@Erco...They actually have USB power hand warmers to...I am not kidding.
Cold winter, the Office of the many white-collar workers all day long to reach out in the mouse, keyboard, swimming, so a lot of people's hands from the Health and frostbite. With "A Liwei" USB warming gloves accompanied me, whether it is playing files, programming, msn chat, play games, are no longer a cold! Warm winter starts, as soon as possible to buy it. . .
Weather Haoleng it! How can you like the distinctive miss this good opportunity to fashion itself! ! ! Buy a pair of fast this year, most of Xuan gift to himself and the most beloved person it!
Some poor sap will get the idea to preheat his car's interior in cold weather by plugging this item in 15 minutes before he starts his car. He'll have a toasty interior and a dead battery!