We salvaged three 1500 MFD 450 VDC caps (2"x7") from a large power backup.
If you want them, pm me with $15.00 (ship in US) and I'll ship them out.
Please, adult techs only on this one.
These are heavy duty enough to be deadly and should be handled correctly.
Not for zapping animals or siblings.
If you want them, pm me with $15.00 (ship in US) and I'll ship them out.
Please, adult techs only on this one.
These are heavy duty enough to be deadly and should be handled correctly.
Not for zapping animals or siblings.

How about mother-in-laws? Think it can pack enough juice for that?
Not for zapping animals or siblings. <<<< ^^^^^^^>>>>>>You take all the fun out of it >>> :idea:<<<<<
I would not do that kids and animals are watching
I don't think that set would be enough. It might just get her angry. Kind of like shooting a bear with a 22.
Going to wait until the end of the month, then destroy them unless someone takes them.
Please reply directly to my email.
note: I'm not yet knowledgeable about these forums/classified.
this may take a couple of back and forths.
Given the subject line, I can't make an offer, but I bet if through in a pair of red underwear, it would move faster. You got the teaser right, but you need just a little more pzaz.
John R.
Item is being shipped out.
You're right, I couldn't have come up with a better thread title.
(Should have worked a career in sales.