Two strings walk into a bar...

Apropos Spin, 'saw this on Reddit; 'just wanted to share:
So two strings walk into a bar. One says, "I'd like a rum and Coke@[>t6#$%*kl."
The other says, "You'll have to excuse my friend; he's not null-terminated."
The other says, "You'll have to excuse my friend; he's not null-terminated."
\u0023I'd like a rum and Coke@[>t6#$%*kl.
(a string walks into a bar and orders...)
Bartender: Sorry we don't serve strings here
String: leaves the bar for awhile ...
... combs his 'hair'
... ties his other end in a knot
... returns to the bar...
Bartender: Hey, weren't you just in here as a string?
String: No, I'm a frayed not
The one says to the other "I heard if you get lost you should shoot in the air three times".
The other guy agrees and tries it.
After about 4 hours the 1st guy says, "We are still lost, why not try shooting 3 times again."
So he does.
Now it's starting to get dark, the 1st guy says "You better shoot 3 more."
The 2nd guy says "I hope someone finds us soon...I'm running out of arrows."
You get the laugh of the day for that one.
Posted By Anonymous... I just hacked this "random" account.