Detecting prop and I2C problem
I am having 2 problems. The most annoying problem is the longer my code gets the harder it is to upload. really short code gets loaded no problem but Now I'm at the point where i have to keep hitting F10 then enter until it gets uploaded.
The second problem is anything over 240 gives me 240 output on my DAC chip on I2C. At first I thought it was just not picking up the last 2 bits but I do get 0 to 15 and every step all the way up to 240 is good. Then I thought I may have a voltage drop somewhere but it is looking like the voltage just stops at 240. Almost like I had a zener at 4.676 volts.
The second problem is anything over 240 gives me 240 output on my DAC chip on I2C. At first I thought it was just not picking up the last 2 bits but I do get 0 to 15 and every step all the way up to 240 is good. Then I thought I may have a voltage drop somewhere but it is looking like the voltage just stops at 240. Almost like I had a zener at 4.676 volts.
Need more info to help with the second problem...
Can the second issue be related to the voltage reference you give the DAC?
I'm downloading bst right now, I hear its better anyway.
I found the issue it was the diode drop, I am driving LED's in series with 500 Ohm resistor on each output and when I removed the load it was back too 5V.