Merchant Accounts

Hello All,
I'm looking for more info on the route I will be taking here soon and it's still up in the air. I've called a couple of them(merchant accounts) from the cards I got in the mail when I set up my Business and I've briefly looked into PayPal.
Point Blank:
Who has what?
do you like them?
Long contract?
no contract?
good customer service/no customer service
quick pay/nickle and dime you/no refund/quick refund
I'm setting up to use Bookkeeper 2010 Accounting Software and they have their own as a refer. to use(you don't have to). QuickBooks is expensive and I'm burning thru cash fast. I was told to use PayPal to get started and expand from there. When I built my test web page I did not like the bouncing in and out from my Site(with PayPal)....should I be concerned about this?
Does a company like Parallax use custom software that does it all(webpage/database/merchant account).....looking to learn from those who have been through it before
thanks for any help
I'm looking for more info on the route I will be taking here soon and it's still up in the air. I've called a couple of them(merchant accounts) from the cards I got in the mail when I set up my Business and I've briefly looked into PayPal.
Point Blank:
Who has what?
do you like them?
Long contract?
no contract?
good customer service/no customer service
quick pay/nickle and dime you/no refund/quick refund
I'm setting up to use Bookkeeper 2010 Accounting Software and they have their own as a refer. to use(you don't have to). QuickBooks is expensive and I'm burning thru cash fast. I was told to use PayPal to get started and expand from there. When I built my test web page I did not like the bouncing in and out from my Site(with PayPal)....should I be concerned about this?
Does a company like Parallax use custom software that does it all(webpage/database/merchant account).....looking to learn from those who have been through it before
thanks for any help
The downside to all this is PayPal's merchant fee structure, which tends to be on the high side. But, for my casual sales, the simplicity and lack of a contract trumped the cost.
Thanks for the reply, I'm wanting to start/run a business and yes I'm looking at short term along with long term cost also. I'm gonna do some more cost matching between a couple of services.
Thanks again
A couple more pages...
Their main page...
Then you can get a credit card machine from your bank and take credit cards over the phone.
Or get software for your PC and attach a card reader. Use the PC as the credit card machine (in person, mail, or over the phone orders). Companies like the one Pair refers you to provide the software (as well as the online stuff). Or maybe your bank?
Or you could sell stuff through Amazon, then they take a percentage I imagine. I suppose you could have your own web page with links to your Amazon products? Amazon sells almost everything these days. I bought some plastic paper plate holders, a DVD RW drive, and a SATA to IDE disk drive adapter recently.
This is my opinion from experience, you mileage may vary.
way too easy to spend on the street. It can also be used
online to pay stores that don't yet accept paypal.
You also have the option of putting your funds in a money market. This
was nice back when, but currently the rate is 0.18% APY