Any interest in a graphics chip board for 3.5" or 4.3" touchscreens?
I'm contemplating making a new board that uses a Solomon ssd1926 to do some better graphics with my 3.5" and 4.3" touchscreens...
There's a lot of info around on the ssd1926 because there's a couple Microchip demo boards that use it. It's also for sale on the microchipdirect web site.
One interesting feature is that it can read and show jpg files directly from a SD card.
I did notice that there's also an ssd1928 that adds cmos camera input. But, I can't find any source for that chip...
There's a lot of info around on the ssd1926 because there's a couple Microchip demo boards that use it. It's also for sale on the microchipdirect web site.
One interesting feature is that it can read and show jpg files directly from a SD card.
I did notice that there's also an ssd1928 that adds cmos camera input. But, I can't find any source for that chip...
Part number SSD1928QL9
Price US$7.00
Freight charge US$6.00 for registered air parcel email us to order if you want to ship by EMS Speedpost
Thanks for the link! Price looks great. They even sell a CMOS camera that works with that chip. And they have a demo board of their own for a 3.5" LCD. I was leaning toward the simpler chip until I looked at this link.
I might need help!
This chip could allow for really, really cool applications. Now, I'm trying to think of how to implement it... I could do some kind of Prop Platform shield. I kinda like how Microchip made one board that different displays could just plug into.
My only problem doing some kind of generic board is that somebody from Hong Kong probably already sells one for a fraction of what I could do...
My other thought is to see if there's enough room on the PSB board to drop this chip in...
Still, this chip uses all 4 data lines to the SD card so it may be possible to improve throughput beyond what FSRW can do.
The other question is how many pins to use on the data bus to the chip.
I'm leaning toward an 8-bit interface so that there's plenty of Prop pins free. But, a 16 or more bit interface would be a lot faster...
Just an idea here. Do you think that the boards could be mounted close enough to create a larger display? For example, 3 across and 2 down, 6 displays mounted close enough that a end user wouldn't notice a gap between them? Then someone could build bigger displays / controls.
I'm not sure that'd be a good way to go... You can buy large touchscreen panels that you can just mount on VGA monitor screens, if you need a bigger screen...
I'm fairly good in many areas of embedded programming and hardware but have a special interest in graphics and vision stuff.
What parts of the chip are you guys interested in? I would be most interested in working on the LCD portion and the camera interface. I guess that they are all sort of interrelated though.
I actually don't think this will be very hard. There's plenty of demo boards with schematics and code out there...
I think SSD1928 is much better suited for my 3.5" touchscreen than the 4.3" one... There is just enough RAM for a full screen 16 bit photo on the 4.3" screen, but that wouldn't leave any RAM for other things...
I'm leaning towards copying Microchip and have one board that can drive different LCDs by having a generic port with adapters for the different LCDs.
I saw a camera module at Sparkfun that should work for ~$10. Not exactly sure how to solder it though...
I also want to go through the datasheet again and see exactly what kind of graphics this thing can do. I'm hoping I can store a font in RAM and then bitblit it to the screen.
The link that Bob posted above also has a different chip with a lot more RAM but no camera or SD card.
I'm hoping that all the Solomon chips are similar enough that whatever we do for one with carry over to the whole line...
Tried to google a video of your boards, not finding any. I need something exactly like this to do realtime monitoring of several environmental traces.
Do your boards just take a bitmap from SD or flash and paste it on the LCD, or can you actually plot to it like a normal bitmapped PC screen?
I read your PDF on the PSM, and on page 15 I think you said it runs the Graphics Demo, which I guess means I could write to it and do normal graphics writes to it at x frames per second?
Doh, something like this
What I'm refering to here is the "dumb" 4.3" and 3.5" touchscreens that don't have any memory and work a lot like a DVI monitor. It's these displays that I want to add a display controller too.
If I can find a supply of 60-pos ffc jumper cables, I may be able to use the existing LCD connector as the output to this new board that will have the 60-pos fpc connectors as both inputs from PSB and PTP and outputs to the LCDs. Unfortunately the PSB doesn't have enough connected Prop pins for this to work directly. But, I have an idea to combine the WR# and RD# signals...
I'm very dissappointed to learn that the SSD1928 (with camera and SD card interface) won't work with my LCDs.
So, I'm looking at either the SSD1926 with SD card interface but no camera or the SSD1963 will a lot more memory.
I'm still on the fence, but leaning toward the SSD1963.
I'm 99% confident that I can make this work with the PTP and the 3.5" displays. I'm less confident about the 4.3" displays as it will take a couple tricks to make up for using less Prop pins... (But, I'll give it a go anyway).
So, I think it will work with the 4.3" breakouts, but don't know for suree yet.
I've still got a couple small fires to put out and then I'll work on this with top priority.
Getting the 3.5" screens working with a Solomon chip is a major goal for me.
I've already secured a large quantity of the 3.5" screens and have found sources for
the Solomon chips.
Some of the Solomon chips also support a camera and SD card.
But, first I'll start just getting the chip working do do full screen, 24 bit graphics.
I may ask for help on the software side getting JPEG encode/decode, SD card and camera interfaces working...
To get started, I cheated and bought this SSD1963 controller board from Newhaven for their 4.3" displays.
They have a similar board for 5.7" and 7" panels..
It took me a few days, but I finally have a basic driver working:
I still have projects in mind for Solomon chips with 2.4" and 3.5" touchscreens.
But, I'm going to start with a smart-panel board (PSB2) for the Newhaven 4.3" touchscreen.
(Actually, I'm going to start by seeing if I can connect the SSD1963 to a DVI monitor, but that's another story...)