Looking for Ryobi 18v lithium battery pack used not hold a charge or not working
I am wanting the charging board for a Ryobi 18v lithium battery pack
I would also be willing to take more than one
I have one that went bad and have batteries that are still good that I still want to use
I have taken these batteries packs apart before and if you do not want to take them apart I will do that part my self
I have two of these battery pack that went bad (bad cells meaning that the cells where not charging and discharging at the same rate any more the difference can not be more than (.05 volts I am not joking about this part) fuel cell gauge showing less than 50% remaining but the charger show that it was fully charged) and was able to fix one with (new cell) the other battery pack..... This happen after I put new batteries in this pack found out that it had a bad charging board in this pack no fix for this found bad mosfet on board will not take a chance by replacing the mosfet that there is not something else wrong with this board parts only
The new cells cost me about $15.00 for 12 batteries at Radio Shack
I had enough to built two pack and had some left over
I had 32 of them to start with
I have also built extended battery packs for my cell phone with these batteries and No I am not selling any of the cells
I did buy one new Ryobi 18v lithium battery pack but at a cost of $90.00 :sad:
There is a battery shop near to where I live that will weld these batteries for me the cost for re welding them is about $ 10.00
At this same battery shop I have also ask them to look for one that some one dose not want to re work there battery pack as well
If I can get a another working board I want to use it in a Basic Stamp Solar Project this is why I am looking for one if any one has one that you are just going to trow away this is what I am looking for Thanks to any one that can help me with this
If you have another brand other than Ryobi I would take it but would need the charger for that battery pack as well
Would pay for charge (but no more than $20.00 ? maybe ) I am only looking for something that you are getting rid of
For this project I need the charger base to charge the batteries
Willing to pay for shipping
In the photo below is the ones that I have i will take the other Battery pack they also have which half the amp hour rating
If any one want to re work there own battery packs if you Email at sam1030@comcast.net and in the subject line put reworking your own battery pack or ( I have a battery pack for your solar project) I will be glad to give you the info on how to do this with the understanding that if any thing goes wrong do not come looking for me it only info that I am giving out from what I have learned from doing it my self YOU DO HAVE TO BECAREFUL WORKING WITH lithium battery this a must I only work with battery are very very low on charge for safety reasons less than 2 volts per cell that means by passing the charging board to run down the batteries to less than 2 volts to pull the battery pack
part then after that recharge the batteries back to 3 volt these batteries can not have a charge less that 3 volts for very long because they are hard to recharge them to reused them............If they are not new
you can reuse these cell again but you have to rematch them again how ever it may not woth the time to do this
these are good to use if they are used for ONE cell battery packs they still have a lot of life in them
How to test your battery pack <
I had a few people email me about this already
Maybe how to open the battery pack
Where to buy replacement cells
I would also be willing to take more than one
I have one that went bad and have batteries that are still good that I still want to use
I have taken these batteries packs apart before and if you do not want to take them apart I will do that part my self
I have two of these battery pack that went bad (bad cells meaning that the cells where not charging and discharging at the same rate any more the difference can not be more than (.05 volts I am not joking about this part) fuel cell gauge showing less than 50% remaining but the charger show that it was fully charged) and was able to fix one with (new cell) the other battery pack..... This happen after I put new batteries in this pack found out that it had a bad charging board in this pack no fix for this found bad mosfet on board will not take a chance by replacing the mosfet that there is not something else wrong with this board parts only
The new cells cost me about $15.00 for 12 batteries at Radio Shack

I had 32 of them to start with
I have also built extended battery packs for my cell phone with these batteries and No I am not selling any of the cells
I did buy one new Ryobi 18v lithium battery pack but at a cost of $90.00 :sad:
There is a battery shop near to where I live that will weld these batteries for me the cost for re welding them is about $ 10.00
At this same battery shop I have also ask them to look for one that some one dose not want to re work there battery pack as well
If I can get a another working board I want to use it in a Basic Stamp Solar Project this is why I am looking for one if any one has one that you are just going to trow away this is what I am looking for Thanks to any one that can help me with this
If you have another brand other than Ryobi I would take it but would need the charger for that battery pack as well
Would pay for charge (but no more than $20.00 ? maybe ) I am only looking for something that you are getting rid of
For this project I need the charger base to charge the batteries
Willing to pay for shipping
In the photo below is the ones that I have i will take the other Battery pack they also have which half the amp hour rating
If any one want to re work there own battery packs if you Email at sam1030@comcast.net and in the subject line put reworking your own battery pack or ( I have a battery pack for your solar project) I will be glad to give you the info on how to do this with the understanding that if any thing goes wrong do not come looking for me it only info that I am giving out from what I have learned from doing it my self YOU DO HAVE TO BECAREFUL WORKING WITH lithium battery this a must I only work with battery are very very low on charge for safety reasons less than 2 volts per cell that means by passing the charging board to run down the batteries to less than 2 volts to pull the battery pack
part then after that recharge the batteries back to 3 volt these batteries can not have a charge less that 3 volts for very long because they are hard to recharge them to reused them............If they are not new
you can reuse these cell again but you have to rematch them again how ever it may not woth the time to do this
these are good to use if they are used for ONE cell battery packs they still have a lot of life in them
How to test your battery pack <
I had a few people email me about this already
Maybe how to open the battery pack
Where to buy replacement cells
Still looking for ......> charging board for a Ryobi 18v lithium battery pack
or any other brand if the charger and (lithium battery packs ONLY ) come together bad or non working battery packs do not want pay much money for the charger ----> MAX $20.00 <
other than shipping
Would pay for charge (but no more than $20.00 ? maybe ) I am only looking for something that you are getting rid of