BS2PX and Servo Motors
Posts: 44
I wrote a program to control the servo motor via bluetooth and it is working but not at the required level. I am reading the book of BS2 and I found out the programming of it has different numbers than the BS2PX. I used this code for forward movment:
PULSOUT 12, 2100'counter clock wise
PULSOUT 13, 1650 'clock wise
but the motion of the motors is not smooth, the motion has little vibration and not moving in stright line, it moving forward with simple heading direction to the left.
Can any one help me to find the appropriate number to use it with PULSOUT command and the equation to find out the pulse width in milisecond? and how do I calculate the RPM (rotation per min.)??????
I wrote a program to control the servo motor via bluetooth and it is working but not at the required level. I am reading the book of BS2 and I found out the programming of it has different numbers than the BS2PX. I used this code for forward movment:
PULSOUT 12, 2100'counter clock wise
PULSOUT 13, 1650 'clock wise
but the motion of the motors is not smooth, the motion has little vibration and not moving in stright line, it moving forward with simple heading direction to the left.
Can any one help me to find the appropriate number to use it with PULSOUT command and the equation to find out the pulse width in milisecond? and how do I calculate the RPM (rotation per min.)??????
Rich H