Then when you open some of these manuals and data sheet pdf's for various microcontrollers, they might open to the beginning page and the size might be too small to read. So you need to resize it and find the instruction reference section...
So you can spend a LOT of time fiddling with Adobe acrobat reader if you are going back and forth between your program and various reference manuals...
BUT I found a handy solution... I found a way to get Abobe Acrobat reader to open a pdf to the exact page you want, the size you want, and to include navigation on the left or not.
This is with Microsoft shortcuts on the desktop. I can now click on a shortcut and it takes me to page 162 of one document I use, and it displays at 75% size, and no navigation pane on the left. And that is the beginning of the instruction set section of that document.
Propeller Quick Reference here...
(As part of the spin tool download also)
Then when you open some of these manuals and data sheet pdf's for various microcontrollers, they might open to the beginning page and the size might be too small to read. So you need to resize it and find the instruction reference section...
So you can spend a LOT of time fiddling with Adobe acrobat reader if you are going back and forth between your program and various reference manuals...
BUT I found a handy solution... I found a way to get Abobe Acrobat reader to open a pdf to the exact page you want, the size you want, and to include navigation on the left or not.
This is with Microsoft shortcuts on the desktop. I can now click on a shortcut and it takes me to page 162 of one document I use, and it displays at 75% size, and no navigation pane on the left. And that is the beginning of the instruction set section of that document.
Read the 2nd and 3rd posts at the following link for how to do this...