4 monitor VGA/HDMI video PC card?

I would like to add two more monitors to my pc. I have two running now, But I could really use two more. I only have one video slot on my mother board, So this must be done in the video card.
I remember seeing some 4ch VGA output cards, But I can't find them now.
I don't need high resolution, VGA is fine for my app's.
Any Ideas or links would be great!
Thanks in advance!
in particular I use a dualhead2go, it takes a high resolution vga and splits it across 2 screens.
Perfect for extending your desktop for word processing and other text-based work. Not intended for displaying video, or video games. """"
I had one like this . it was not that good .
USB does not have the continuous B/W to handle "good" graphics ..
The best price I have seen the Raedon 5870 Saphire card is about 390 dollars at newegg
Sorry for the lack of info or specs.
Mother Board: ASUS P5N-D "Legacy"
' IDE bus
' serial ATA bus
' Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz X 2,2GHz
' 775 socket
' F.S.B. 1066mHz
' 2 x PCIe 2.0 x16 - Single VGA mode: x16 - SLI mode: Hardware ready for x16, x16
' 2 x PCIe x1
' 2 x PCI 2.2
' XP64 OS
I have to admit, I'm getting lost in the terminology with the video cards.I have a Navida video card in the blue socket. It has a VGA jack and a HDMI jack. I have a VGA monitor on the VGA jack and a HDMI monitor on the HDMI jack.
I have selected the dual monitor option in the control panel and this works great with the two monitors.
I think all I need is a PCIe x1 or PCI 2.2 card to add two more monitors to my PC. I have the two PCI slots open on my mother board.
Has anyone tried this? Or do I just need to go out on a limb???
How did we get by with just one monitor back in the day????
Thanks in advance for any help or advice!!!!
The USB VGA things are great for non intense displays, as noted above.
The driver prevents more then 1 active at a time..
Go with the Radeon ATI 5870 Saphire. Replace your existing video card with this and you'll be very happy with the upgrade.
Thanks for the reply.I'll check into this,Sounds like what I'm after!
Thanks for the reply
6 monitors would be great.My wife will beat me severely over the $390 bucks, But I heal-up fast,And I should be able to enjoy the 6 monitors with-in a few days.